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The car that hate built.

Batmobile is to Batman as VW is to Hitler.

by Nikthenyetminder February 13, 2005

130πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž


German car manufacturer dissed by people who drive burn-out race models with shitty handling and need way too much maintainance.

vw's are cool

by Gumba Gumba February 21, 2004

107πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


A car that is made in Mexico, but sold in the United States.

Dude... I just had to take my Volkswagen Jetta into the shop again, and they say the warranty doesn't cover the $2000 repair. Can I borrow your Ford?

by Mennonite April 26, 2006

107πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž


(Verb) to decisively act differently in a test environment to that of a production one

Why doesn't this application work as expected?? Oh it's been Volkswagend.

by Randytiger January 8, 2020


Car's usually driven by rich, pompous, stuck up, young people, who's parents buy them a $20k+ car when they get their licence. Normally so low its not anywhere near functional, riding on air bags and with hard wood floors in the trunk..

Owners normally just talk a lot of shit on non VDubs even though they don't have a leg to stand on.

Volkswagen Owner: Yo look at that little import over there, his suspention setup is meant for the track, why would someone ever want a functional setup.

Anyone else: Bags are for groceries, go put some hardwood floors in your trunk. Oh and go put rust on your hood.

by VW Killer March 8, 2011

39πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


Probably the worst company ever. Nothing they have produced has been worth the money you pay for it.

Passenger:Dude wheres the engine on the VW bus?
Driver: There isn't one, so i have about 2cm of metal in front of me if we crash.
Passenger:Dude isnt that unsafe?

by Tenom May 26, 2005

109πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž


Volkswagens are arguably the most unreliable vehicles on the road to date. Initially engineered by a political regime predicated upon the hatred of Jewish people, these vehicles pose a threat to motorists all over the world. There is much confusion over the origins of the word β€œtoxic asset”, but most people have now come to accept that it was coined by Volkswagen mechanics. If you ever do experience engine failure, there is usually no need to call emergency services as the plume of black smoke emanating from the engine bay is usually enough to alert the authorities. Some of the other pleasantries one can experience with Volkswagen ownership are extensive understanding of engine related diagnostics procedures and a heightened sense of a mechanical aptitude. Most Volkswagen owners can usually pass the Automotive Service Excellence exam in under 15 minutes on their first try. Even more disappointing than Volkswagen’s reliability, the interior of these cars is more frail than an osteoporosis patient – it is akin to entirely furnishing your house with IKEA furniture. Most owners have reported that once they purchased the car from an accredited Volkswagen dealer, the dealership disappeared over night. The causes for this behavior are well documented; most dealerships do not want to explain to customers why the car burst into flames, the radio does not work, the transmission slips, the airbags never deployed or why Volkswagen is number 1 in the auto industry for recalls.

Honda Owner: "Wow, I only spent $30 to get my sparkplugs replaced!"
Volkswagen Owner: "Good for you. I had to take a second mortgage on my house to repair that VW fag-backet in my drive way".

by motherbelgium October 1, 2009

51πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž