Source Code


A 32-bit operatijng system designed by the Microsoft corporation. Favored by many users due to its ease of use, deprecated by many geeks because of a myriad of reasons, and Yet Another thing to have a religious war about.

I use Linux because I just don't like Windows. That's it.

by Dennis October 15, 2003

35๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A definition on Urban Dictionary used by minority Apple fans to whine about Windows because there's not much else to do on a mac.

Tired of playing with the dock and dashboard widgets, the mac user opened up Internet Explorer: Mac Edition to create anti-microsoft definitions on urbandicionary.

Meanwhile, the Windows user played Half-Life 2, glad he had an OS with developers.

by cynical1 January 4, 2006

544๐Ÿ‘ 404๐Ÿ‘Ž


OS where the word restart is the norm. Also synonymous with "monopoly." Also characterized by slow startups, thus the term "win-doze," and known as a computer virus to Mac users, all 10 of them. Other terms used: POS, sucky OS, The rebootinator.

Hey, want to play a game of Windows? I want to be the car.

by jondapicam November 4, 2003

44๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.) Noun

An operating system for computers developed by the Microsoft Corporation. Despite the fact that it's pretty reliable most of the time, all people do is bitch and moan incessantly (especially nerds) about how it plainly sucks so much even though Windows OS runs about 90% of the PC market, so there's nothing they can really do about it because it's obviously successful. So instead of doing something about how much they hate windows, like, you know, maybe taking their asses to the Apple store to buy a damn Mac instead, or maybe formatting their hard drive and installing Linux, they just sit at home and bitch about how much they hate Windows, but they use it anyway which makes them massive hypocrites.

2.) Noun

An opening constructed in a wall or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to on a track to allow opening and closing.

1.) OMG! I hate Windows OS so much! I can write my papers for school, make power points, email, store movies, music, and photos, chat, surf the web, and customize my wallpaper on Windows! I hate it so much! OMG!! Dexter just signed onto AIM! *begins chatting*

2.) Dude, open a window. It's freaking hot in this place.

by Asawisper July 19, 2008

27๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Windows x64, (n): 64 bit rewrite of a 32 bit extension and graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprossessor, written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

People say that if you play Microsoft's CDs backwards, you hear satanic things, but that's nothing, because if you play them forwards, they install Windows.

by Derek B January 9, 2006

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used in awkward silences to try and stimulate conversation

John and Tim were sitting in a room. The conversation was minimal until John said "Windows".

by razorblade12 January 30, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A highly effective virus that spread itself by the using of instalations, saved in licensed Compact Discs, mostly instaled in the drive C:, no antivirus is available at the moment, but the method of formatting works very well.

approximately 70% of the population have infected computers with this virus... and counting...

fook !! my pc has windows xp !!!!!!!!

by zxkry December 7, 2003

159๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž