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Brek Tech

The visit to hillside in the 27 minute break halfway through 9am Rec tech to get a takeaway full English

“Hey aren’t you gonna have breakfast before you leave?”

“Nah it’s sound I’ve got brek tech first thing”

by J.D.Wetherspoon April 21, 2020


Something that was so unpleasant that you would never want to re experience it again.

Person 1: 'Can I have some of your water mate?'

Person 2: 'sure thing'

Person 3: 'No don't drink that! It's absolute brek!!'

by Henpot February 19, 2016

1👍 7👎

ready brek

The words referring to the taste of the female reproductive organs when performing oral sex. This can be used in many situations, also referring to whether a person has experienced oral sex recently.

Zak, you had any ready brek recently?
Yo, what was your ready brek like?

by Lewis Jackson January 7, 2007

54👍 39👎

ready brek

A slang term for cunnilingus. Alternatively, can refer to the taste of the female genitals during cunnilingus.

"Saad disappeared off with that girl last night."
"Yeah man, I heard she was dishing out the ready brek."

by Sam E Dancer March 27, 2007

3👍 4👎

ready brek glow

The fuzzy, red outline surrounding the actors in a 20th generation porno film. So called because of the red glow around the little character in the Ready Brek TV commercial. See also porn fuzz

"That grumble flick you loaned me was shite. Everyone had ready brek glow, you could hardly see a thing."

by 7kev7 October 25, 2007

15👍 7👎

Yoghurt Brek Jek

A guy who gets the piss taken out of him for being a jek. Yoghurt Brek Jek

One hell of a man. Jek just can’t get enough of those Yoghurt Breaks. Mmmmmmmmm

Jek is kinda quirky but don’t let him near the children lolz.

Person1: Hey yoghurt brek jek

Jek: Go away

by aftersun123 April 21, 2019


(slang) used as an abbreviation for fat people who eat alot

That eat-brek was ordering food from McDonalds nonstop.

by cornellious June 29, 2003