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1 . to try to talk your way out of a bad situation you got yourself in.

2. to cover up smelly stuff (mainly clothing)


J: "I got a new ride its sick"

Aamir khan: "you chat Sh*t, we saw you riding your rikshaw on your way here"

J: "naa thats just my spare ride to keep a low profile"

Aamir: "first you chat breeze then you try febreeze it up"

"dude that is ponging, Febreeze that sh*t up

by fishydonatello April 4, 2011

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v. after sex to mask the odor of sweat and vagina you break wind.

i was febreezing that shit because it smelled like two mice fucking in a wool sock

by Joe987639475 November 2, 2011

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a fabric freshener/ household cleaner. now a slang word used as a substitute for the phrase "for real?". usually follows an interesting, previously unknown, or unbelievable statement.

:"yo, cuh, i just saw tupac up in that burger king we just passed!"

:"FEBREEZE? i knew he was still alive!"

by ricky kendall April 10, 2007

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1) To make fresh and new something that has become, or IS stale and old.

2) To reinvent something that just doesn't work.

The Legend of Zelda series has become unoriginal and needs to be febreezed.

The health care system in the United States needs to be febreezed.

by Matt Cowan October 28, 2007

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douchebag febreeze

When a douchebag gets ready for an evening out on the town he wants to smell his freshest. Nothing in his arsenal of body sprays, lotions, colognes, deodorants and the like are as important as his "douchebag febreeze", aka AXE BODY SPRAY. A douchebag will thoroughly saturate themself with their AXE BODY SPRAY; they cannot use a normal amount, as they don't think it will be enough to keep them fresh throughout the evening. This is to be applied right before walking out the door, as the smell needs to be as strong as possible for interaction with the ladies. If ever you find yourself getting a whiff of what smell like hugh hefners balls dipped in kerosene, watch out; there is a douchebag on the prowl. Run, fast and far.

brad--i need to smell fresh tonight bro

tj--use my axe body spray broski, there's half a bottle left, is that enough?

brad--i guess it will have to be brah spray my swoled up muscles down

brad & tj--(fist pumping) fresh to death!!!

-brad & tj walk into club-

sara--mmm do i smell douchebag febreeze? that's my kind of guy!!

by the stank pit January 14, 2013

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Febreeze Grenade

The act of pulling a zip-tie tight around the trigger of an aerosol febreeze can, and then tossing it into the room of the victim.

I was at school when I noticed a class taking an important semester final, so I took the opportunity to toss in a deadly Febreeze Grenade.

by hockey123456789 October 9, 2011

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Polish Febreeze

A smelly fart released in a confined space, which is then immediately occupied by a person.

I was taking off my pants in the bathroom stall and I totally polish febreezed myself.

The couple who was in the photo booth before us totally polish febreezed us.

by The Roshh January 19, 2020