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Red bull

Kerosene is fuel. Red bull is fuel. Kerosene is red bull.

by dolanders May 17, 2019

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A fuel commonly used in lamps and heaters, derived and refined from petroleum.

Cary poured some kerosene into the heater and warmed the charming whorehouse.

by JiggaJim March 25, 2003

48πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A person who goes out and gets very drunk and returns only to play online computer games and annoy everyone with spam

Uh oh, it's getting late, we might get Kerosened

by Foztrot April 5, 2004

16πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

kerosene kid

A shock video of a young boy burning a live baby

Baby cam footage of a 7-10 year old boy walking into a babies room with a small bottle. The boy proceeds to pour the liquid (likely lighter fluid) from the bottle all over the baby. He then uses a lighter and lights the poor thing on fire. Then he steps back and the video ends after 2-ish more seconds. All of this while "Ave Maria" is playing.

I remember watching this bullshit when I was like 12 and I cant find it since. If you do find it DONT WATCH IT!

Jesse: hey remember the kerosene kid?

Walter: why the fuck did you bring that back to my memory. after remembering that I wish I was the baby.


by Definitionary October 21, 2022

kerosene dream

to dream of commiting suicide

girl: i had a kerosene dream last night
guy: ur not going to kill yourself are you?

by loserfish October 2, 2006

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Kerosene Male

A male with similar traits to a Sigma male, however is made entirely of dead shrubs and other flammable foliage. They lay their spawn by squatting onto a tree and laying a large embryo, out of which hundreds of grape-sized Kerosene Males will emerge after a couple weeks. Kerosene Males like to frolic in dusty meadows and overrun small towns, slaughtering innocent adults and children without mercy. When they pass away, Kerosene Males stand calmly in place and wait until they become a leafy, yellow and rotting monument of their existence.

β€œA Kerosene Male emerged from the forest and devoured my newborn son this morning, I suppose this might be a problem”

by Chicago Male October 1, 2022

Kerosene love

1. When you are in such love that there is a burning feeling inside you.

2. When you still love your significant other but it's all in flames
3. When you feel like you need a clean slate for love

1. What do you feel? "Kerosene love mate"
2. The way you make me feel it's like "Kerosene love.
3. Kerosene love let it all burn clear.

by Domingo_lluevioso287 December 10, 2021