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Picket night

Also known as Cabbage night or Hell’s night, Picket night seems to be the term used in the sleepy Vermont town of Northfield for the night before Halloween. “Grab your eggs boys, we’re going out for picket night” was the last words spoken by the infamous Sam Harris Also known as “The Pig Man” which still today haunts the hills surrounding “Devil’s Washbowl”. Local historian Pam Witherspoon (1918-1953) wrote a short story about Sam Harris which was featured in the Northfield News titled “Sam was a good boy, not a swine” she mysteriously went missing and was found 2 years later dismembered in the washbowl with the words “Picket night” carved in her skull.

“Grab your eggs boys, we’re going out for picket night

by The Dude abides NV November 1, 2009

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Crissed as a picket

Extremely drunk - Australian Spoonerism (Pissed as a cricket). Usually used to describe being drunk to the point of being incoherent and uncoordinated. Australian equivalent of nissed as a pewt.

"Did you see Andrew? He's crissed as a picket mate!"

by DanielMac February 25, 2008

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the picket sign

its where a man shoves his fist up a girls anal then lifts her up and waves her around

i gave my girlfriend the picket sign last night

by Dr, StankySac January 31, 2009


something or someone so painful it would be like sticking oneself in the dick with a picket fence.

*note this can be used by anyone, regardless of their anatomy. you don’t need firsthand experience of a pain in your dick

“all jeremiah does is talk about his upcoming sporting tournaments, he’s such a dick-picket”

“the teacher caught me with hentai open on my laptop, that conversation was a serious dick-picket”

by LX ‘84 November 16, 2022

pick picketing

Selective activism

I am a proponent of equality for all people not just black people.that would be pick picketing

by I am kogi August 6, 2023

Picket Gabg

The pickey gabg! When the picket gabg is it is

Anne you aren’t getting the definition

“Wow would you look at that!”
Mmm picket gabg

by prettymuchgray November 22, 2021

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Picket Fence

Another name for the proposed ‘Boder Wall’ between the US and Mexico.

If (or when) the proposed ‘Border Wall’ is built... it will be more of a PICKET FENCE; because of all the protests and picketing!

by Major Thomas Randle March 18, 2019

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