Source Code

Man Formula


One can calculate the overall physical attractiveness of a female by entering values into the Man Formula.

The formula is derived as follows. One can conclude that tits are greater than ass on general principle. In addition, tits are better than everything because you can titifuck. Titifucking, while the shit, is nothing compared to actual pussy, therefore, pussy is greater than everything.

The reason for dividing by face is because if the face is zero, that bitch should not even be considered. She does not exist.

Keso: Yo my nig, according to the Man Formula, I should be tapping that ass.

Zach: Naw you dumb African, her face is a zero. She does not exist.

Keso: Nigga you are gay and rude.

by bigzuki27 July 21, 2010

65πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Formula 1

The β€œPinnacle” of Motorsport but instead it’s just Max Verstappen winning all the races, also likes to insult every other Motorsport because β€œit’s not F1!”

Person 1: What are you watching?
Person 2: Formula 1
Person 1: oh you mean Max Verstappen Winning simulator 2022?
Person 2: You know F1 is the pinnacle of Motorsport
Person 1: Cap

by Originallydaboss June 8, 2023

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sebti Formula

An innovative calculation intended to boost the return enjoyed by the investors in an operating company. Of particular value to independent power projects with a separate owner / operator strategy.

It was a remarkably good idea, applying the Sebti formula to that wind project. Congratulations Mohamed!

by Fatbstd February 17, 2012

Formula SAE

1) the most badass group of guys in the college world, prone to say "AMERICA!" at the end of every sentence.

2) a group made for the design, production, and competition of scaled-down formula 1 cars at the college level

you dont want to mess with him...he's formula sae.

"im going to the formua sae shop to build a race car"

by goldfishh45 October 23, 2011

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Quadratic Formula

The best method of solving a quadratic. When your equation is in the standard form of ax² + bx + c = 0, x = (-b ± √b² - 4ac) / 2a. It is far superior to both factoring and completing the square. The equation may look difficult, but all you have to do is plug in the coefficients and simplify!

A: I had to use the quadratic formula to solve that tricky problem.
B: Why didn't you just do that in the first place?

by LawrenceMK2 November 11, 2020

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Formula 1

Founded in 1950 when the first world championship was raced, it has developed today into what is the greatest form of motor racing known to man and the greatest sport in the world.

Owned by Bernie, who rakes in $2.5Billion US per anum from the sport, it is an insitution, more sacred to fans then religion.

OMG! It's only 6 days until The opening race of the season starts in Melbourne, Australia.

by Nathan March 31, 2005

219πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

formula dropping

Like name dropping, but in the context of test-writing in the sciences. Rather than dropping names to inflate one's stature, one would "drop" any pertinent formula to feign comprehension. Formula dropping would be done most commonly when one does not know how to solve the given problem.

John: What did you do for #3?! I couldn't even come close to solving it!
Fred: I had absolutely no clue where to begin. I just formula dropped as much as I could. Partial marks!
John: Oh man, formula dropping! I should have thought of that :(

by robotruth June 30, 2010

28πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž