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gloat fuck

Excesive arrogance;
to gloat without end

When Dave playes poker he's such a gloat fuck!

by Poker Noob October 18, 2010

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Political gloating

When you keep posting pictures or commenting about the winning candidate who you happened to vote for in an election. The reverse of political whining.

He keeps posting about his candidate winning. So tired of the political gloating. They won, it's done, get on w/ life.

by PhantomLover007 November 8, 2012

Shadow Gloating

An individual who brags/gloats about items for which there is no manner of validation - usually via social media.

Joe was shadow gloating about house hunting, erstwhile he lives with his parents, has a low paying job and has no hope of ever buying a home.

by Curby7 December 17, 2016


A fictional word derived from oatmeal, used metaphorically when somebody is overly proud of themselves or are overly boastful and annoying, especially when they win a game (usually online, but it doesn't really matter; I thought of it when I won a game of darts).

Todd beat me at Halo 3, and he sure loves to eat his Gloat-meal!

by Patrick G. October 15, 2007

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Road Gloat

To observe or think about someone else's driving with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight.

She looked at the other driver who was pulled over by the police and couldn't help but Road Gloat over how good a driver she was.

by venivici October 27, 2008

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perplexed gloat

Weird flex

It's a perplexed gloat however tolerable

by Please.Stp December 10, 2018

gloat boat

A situation where somebody dwells on success.

I'm on my gloat boat over my baseball team winning a big game.

by Ereck Flowers May 29, 2019