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Koch-head is a slang term for a politician who is hopelessly addicted to the toxic drug called kochaine. Kochaine is highly addictive and is ruining lives at this very moment. Koch-heads are volatile, erratic and highly dangerous when under the influence. Never make an attempt to reason with or apprehend a koch-head, simply call 911 and you will be helped by a local, unionized, law enforcement expert.

That crazy Scott Walker...what a koch-head!

by Mayadidas March 12, 2011

880πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


To describe when environmental-friendly policies are prevented from being enacted, usually by well paid lobbyists.

Our attempt to remove oil subsidies to companies with poor environmental standards was koch-blocked.

by Senlathiel January 29, 2011

987πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Koch Industries

(BUSINESS) Wichita, Kansas-based conglomerate; pronounced "coke." A closely held corporation; owns Flint Hills Resources, a major refinery operator.

One of the most secretive business enterprises in the Western world. The financial press is not allowed to publish any financial statistics on the firm whatever (unlike, say, Bechtel or Fidelity Investments, whose financials appear in Hoovers listings). Basically, it converts oil wealth into political influene through a huge web of "foundations."

Koch Industries operates enormous oil refineries in Alaska, Minnesota, and Texas; owns 4000 miles of pipeline; Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Stainmaster carpet, and Lycra (fiber used to make Spandex).

Koch Family Foundations funnel immense amount of money to climate change denial groups, although they manage to remain secretive about that also. Both David and Charles Koch have assets easily in excess of $8 billion, and they are the largest political donors of the oil and gas industry. Mostly their "charitable foundations" promote far-right propaganda.

In the spring of 2010, University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute named Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States.

The Americans for Prosperity Foundation (formerly Citizens for a Sound Economy) and the Cato Institute are creations of the Koch Family Foundations.

by Sorry, the good guys lost September 2, 2010

1059πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Koch Industries

Known for funding many of the recent tea parties, the Koch Industries are a billion-dollar set of industries owned by the Koch family. They fund far right-wing causes and think-tanks with their billions all under the illusion that these are part of some grassroots movement.

The Koch Industries funded the tea party rally taking place in my town.

by ConservatismSucks May 13, 2010

1151πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

Koch sukker

A delusional republican that as a ditto head listens and believes everything that the desiminators of the Koch brothers propaganda on the Fox network drones on about.

Gee that Sarah Palin is real Koch sukker.

by hipshot November 5, 2011

153πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Koch Whore

Koch Whore: (koke hoar): A Congressperson, typically conservative, who'll say and do anything for a campaign contribution. Behaviors include reinventing history, economics, the Constitution, and/or claiming to know the "Will of God." See: Tea Party

Michelle Bachmann, Ted Cruz, John Boehner, assorted other Koch whores

by Mr. Rational October 16, 2013

794πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž


A politician, e.g., Scott Walker, Gov. of Wisconsin, who was elected ostensibly with Tea Party support, but who then does only the bidding of his obscenely wealthy benefactors, the Koch brothers.

Scott Walker isn't trying to fix the state's budget, he's trying to bust unions - what a Koch-sucker!

by Huckleman February 20, 2011

966πŸ‘ 182πŸ‘Ž