Source Code


The act of lying compulsively.

-Hey, Jim just told that his dad invented the Ringolos...
-Oh my God! He must have pulled the Pascal!

by mdvrd April 7, 2006

32πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


A rather useless programming language, initialy created to teach new programmers how to do it properly, after the wave of sloppy programmers in the 60s. Improvements have meant that it has been used for real programming (mainly by apple). Good to get you into good habits, but still useless in the end.

person 1:i learnt programming in C++ in no time at all thanks to all the years i spent learning Pascal

Person 2:yeah...but if you just learnt C++ in the first place, you wouldnt have had to bother.

Person 1:&*%^$% you

Blaize Pascal:you think youve got it bad? they named the bloody thing after me when i was already dead!

by thefireycaddilac September 26, 2005

30πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


A gay person. A man who likes cock.

I love cock, I'm so Pascal

by Whiskykid February 26, 2015

26πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


She is a sexy, strong, courageous, independent woman. A woman that isn't going to stand by and be bullied by anyone nor let you bully someone else in her presence.

A woman that is both beautiful on the inside and out. Many may call her a saint. She will have your back in any fight, and so you better have her's too, and if not she will discard you for the coward trash heap you are.
She is a dear friend, a shoulder to cry on, an encourager, trustworthy and respectable.

Bootylicious ass and the most voluptuous lips you have ever seen. Most shiny and delicious smelling hair you will ever encounter.

Damn, you see her.. bet that's Pascal

by NamesDictionary November 12, 2013

11πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


noun A white, racist, stubborn old man who has no ass and no front teeth

Pascalsβ€”2 or more pascalβ€”dangerous, avoid if possible by using evasive maneuvers.

Pascal(s) is/are usually found roaming the western regions of France.

Hey look at that Pascal! He smells like a old mattress

Oh no there are multiple pascals in thag

by ajajajddwad January 18, 2019

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful woman who is the object of every mans desire. She is exotic and perfect in every way. She is at perfect hight and weight and she carries her self like a goddess. Sex symbol. Women are often jealous of a Pascale and assume from her good looks and finess that she is a bitch. Don't let her looks fool you. A female who is a Pascale is drop dead amazing inside and out. Men adore her and will do whatever it takes to be around her. She is worshiped.

A super model could be called a Pascale
Guy 1: look at her! she's getting me hard just watching her walk away! A BLOCK AWAY! I need that woman!

Guy 2: Yep! Thats a Pascale for you! she is untouchable.
Guy 3: She is untouchable unless you got game like me!

by smart_man_33 April 8, 2010

314πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


A girl who is drop dead gorgeous

Wow that girl is almost a Pascale!

by Dr. Sexy Tight Pants Poopsy February 16, 2011

72πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž