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Your crush liking someone else πŸ˜€

When your crush likes someone else it can be a really hard time for you. Especially if they talk about their crush/crushes to you but you don’t know what to say so all you do is give them advice and tell them to ask their crush out or something because you just want them to be happy.

A conversation that could possibly happen if your crush likes someone else: (don’t worry about it happening btw it’s a possibility)

Crush: I like (friends name)
You: oh you should tell them or make something for them I think they would really appreciate it πŸ˜€
Crush: okay I will 😁
You: yeah..

Your crush liking someone else πŸ˜€

It’s really bad

by Jadaaa!! April 29, 2023

Thrashing around in stinging nettle with someone else's dick

Used as an expression for people who enjoy benefits while someone else is taking the risk for it, and therefore they can give false advice, act irresponsibly without retribution.
Often associated with golden boys, politicans, or people in high positions.
Originated in Hungary.

It's easy for the politicans to pass a new act, they are thrashing around in stinging nettle with someone else's dicks, not theirs.

by Brekusz October 31, 2013

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

We can't just make someone else's fish!

(noun): A saying dating back to medieval Europe (apx 1100 C.E.). Originally meant to denote one fishmonger's unwillingness to copy his competitor's sign (and thus claim that he sold the same kind of fish), the saying has come to refer to any general unwillingness to copy someone else's work, specifically when requested to do so by a customer.

"I was wondering if you could make me some copies of this licensed product."
"Sorry but they own the rights to it. We can't just make someone else's fish!"

by enkidef February 27, 2017

If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will

As we live our lives, we study, make friends, hit finals, fall in love, run the table, strive for greatness, and just enjoy life's ride. We may learn many facts in life, but if we can take just one important fact from life it would be:

"If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will!"

There's no saying in life that has more truth to it. You can't argue with this great fact of life hence why it is becoming one of the most famous friggin' sayings in our world today.

Here's what it all boils down to idiots. "If you don't hit that damn final, someone else will" is very simple. If we were to put it on the friggin' scale of simplicity, i'd say it's a 9.872. Just think in your mind If I don't hit that damn final, someone else will. Meaning, If I can't hit that damn final, and i'm relying on my partner to hit the damn final, but their relying on me to hit the damn final, then neither of us is gunna hit the damn final and we're gunna lose the friggin' game. It's that friggin simple morons, ya know.

P.s. The DAMN is a vital part of the famous saying!

by S Santang October 29, 2009

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to put one's smoke out in someone else's ice cream

1. To be much better at something than someone else
2. To diss someone so thoroughly that no comeback is possible

to put one's smoke out in someone else's ice cream:
1. Rickie Lee Jones puts her smoke out in Edie Brickell's ice cream (thanks to lexicondevil at The Onion AV Club)
2. That queen tried to diss my outfit, but then I totally put my smoke out in her ice cream.

by djprobed June 11, 2007

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I'm shopping for someone else...

Da standard "please bear with me --- I'm not familiar with this type or purchase" preamble-remark dat you ruefully tell a store-employee whom you ask for assistance in finding/choosing one or more items dat you never use yourself, and so you have less of an idea of how to shop for it or maybe even where it's stocked in da store.

Two good examples of when you might tell a staffperson, "I'm shopping for someone else..." might be if you were looking for a type of media-entertainment (such as books, music, or movies) dat you have no interest in yourself, or if you merely lived a simple bachelor's existence and were procuring "fussy female stuff" items for a lady-friend, such as cosmetics, dress-up clothing, fancy table-setting accessories, etc.

by QuacksO May 20, 2023

Someone else trash

This happen when someone you like would date, or marry , or have sex with , tries to date someone else over you and you better than the person they tried and they come and try And date you after the person they wanted turn them down. And now they have no one and wants to date you, desperate or to cover up they been turn down or reasons like this and it makes you turn them down harshly and not give them a chance at all. No one wants to be second best or pick or chose over someone else. Choose wisely you only get one chance. We should make females be the ones to ask guys out. They always reject the men anyway and show no love. This a new age. We the one who work hard and built this world up from dirt. And we don’t feel love or appreciated at all.

I don’t want someone else trash. She should of chose me to begin with. But she wanted someone for the wrong reasons. Like fame or money or high circle.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ May 30, 2022