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1.A cross between a chav (a.k.a. a charva) and an emo, they listen to remixes of casalocos music and SOAD (System Of A Down) on continious loops. Wears baggy & black clothes with burberry caps.

2. A chinese emo.

A teenager that listens to casalocos on one CD player and his SOAD songs on another, both at the same time.

by DEADSiM2 May 2, 2005

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A cross between a Chav/emo.. They are the worst kind of people anywhere.
To spot a chemo look out a combination of the following:
Died Black Hair
A burberry hat
Slit wrists
A hoody
Spray paint
Tracksuit bottoms
Skinny Jeans

C-Dog: Sup ma G-Unit do u like my skinny trackies?
F-Dog: Yeah they iz bare gangsta mate, u like my bling covering my slit wrists?
S-Dog: Dats well chemo mate.
Danny: Wtf? Chemo scum.

by The Dogs of PTown March 28, 2007

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A shipping theory that is denied but then is later confirmed

Did you hear about that chemo involving Alan and Eduardo??? We all know they’re gonna date.

by MrMoseby February 19, 2020

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A Chinese person who is Emo

Wow, Mark has really come Chemo this year hasnt he...

by Charlie X May 27, 2007

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Chemos generally use to chavs. They then seem to change gradually, using slightly less makeup around the face and focus on the eyes. Then the hair changes and goes emo. Basically they end up looking like a starnge hybrid. Emo clothes, with bling and the chav attitude. Altough you do get the same sort of hybrid but vice versa (e.g. A Emo going Chav) this is rare.

I heard Debbie went Chemo, thats the third person this week.

by Daniel Edwards May 9, 2006

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Pronounced: Chee-Moe; From the words: Chav and Emo

A contradictory soul who tries to be emo, but can't deny his chavroots. Or vice versa.

"That guy's wearing Burberry Converse"
"What a chemo"

by Meaner With The Scenery January 14, 2007

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Essentially, a Chinese (or asian) emo person. Many of these are teenagers who have lots of emo white friends and/or like the "emo" style of music (Punk, Indie, Metal, Hardcore etc.) They also have myspace and like taking cool pictures of themselves.Other than that, chemo kids have all the same characteristics as emo kids.

"Hey..look at Chang's new hair"

"Yeah! He's turning into a chemo!"

by smex April 26, 2006

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