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A weapon used to murder witches in the 1930's, only used by people hailing from the state of Kansas

How about you leave before someone drops a house on you too!

by Metallicajunkie October 4, 2018

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A broken thing that's dead

Your house is really nasty, ew
This is a house

by Fallcano November 9, 2020

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Very exceptional or excellent. Typically used to described events or things that are experienced, such as food or a movie.

Joe: "Have you ever played Mario Kart: Double Dash?"
Bob: "Hell yeah! That game was a house!"

by xXsagemain69Xx July 3, 2020

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A house (used in the terms for smoking weed), is a barrier using your hands to keep wind from burning out a lighter, match, or other techniques.

John:β€œHey can I get a house? It won’t light.”
Peter: β€œSure.”

by .πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯β˜€οΈπŸŒΏ June 1, 2018

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House, /HOW-SS/, adj - 1. a term to describe something as either strerchy or roomy

2. a descriptor for something border lining the ridiculous

1. Yoga Pants are House

2. did you see tom's new car? yeah man, it's totally house

by nightshadeX404 June 25, 2015

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A place you can live

You want to go to my house for dinner

by Drax7 December 18, 2016

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One of worst and overrated american series of all history with a lot of fanboys (In Brazil have a lot of house fanboys). This series shows the life of a insane doctor that everyone who watches it idolizes this person.

Guy 1: House is my life! Its the best! I love Dr.House.
Guy 2: Shut up, fanboy!

by New_urban September 1, 2010

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