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Applies to guys as well as ladies. Getting your head lined up just means that they making the edge of your hair not look all scraggly and messed up looking. In some parts, they call it a shape up. A lining is included by default in a haircut, but some folks ask for it separately if they're growing out their hair, got their hair braided, or just have somewhere to be and want to look fresh and clean cut.

"How much y'all linings cost?"
"Y'all take link cards?"
-"Get yo dusty bum ass outta here"

by intrepidfox37 May 5, 2007

47πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A word which can refer to snorting cocaine. Can also mean doing nothing or hanging out.

We were lining for like 50 hours straight...no wonder we were wasted

Wanna go lining with us, dude?

by trickligan December 11, 2005

19πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


To set someone up(Toronto)

Yoo fam, Gk got lined my Buckz

by Nk234 June 1, 2020

68πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Although one of the least common definitions, a "line" can also mean 1 fluid oz of codeine cough syrup. For example, some people who sell the stuff will sell it by the "line" for anywhere from like 30-100 dollars.

Yo Cleophis, how much is that Activis goin for per line?

" Freddie is sellin for 55 a line"

by Tone McBone November 30, 2016

496πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


Set someone up, plot against, conspire against one.

Let’s line him up and take his money.

by KaydensMom July 26, 2018

182πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

To the line

An imaginary line, that which loud managers insist you bring product forward to on the shelf.

My boss yelled at me to bring everything up to the line.

by Ben D. October 5, 2006

on the line

in a position of risk or vulnerability.

Jill was on the line once more.

by The Return of Light Joker July 11, 2008

97πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž