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clasp-retaining high-five

Refers to da humorous "I really like you" gesture of not merely slapping da other person's hand when ya smilingly offer said pal a high-five, but instead interlacing yer fingers with his and really "hand-wrestling him good" for a few seconds. A great way of showing a cute lady how much you enjoy/value/desire her companionship while you have hold of her hand, anyway; hopefully she will allow you to maintain your joyful clasp of said warm/soft extremity for an extended period afterwards, and possibly even accompany you on a hand-in-hand stroll around town afterwards if her current schedule permits.

A clasp-retaining high-five is an awesome way to initially "break the ice" with a new gal and get her head-swimmingly starry-eyed for you.. play your cards right and you may have her lying back on your bed stark-naked within an hour or two.

by QuacksO March 16, 2019

Water Retaining Sea Cow

A robustly large female who retains everything, not just water, I mean EVERYTHING! A close relative to the sea donkey and the wombat, the water retaining sea cow moves with a shuffling gait, ambling along to her destination.

"I was walking down the road when this water retaining sea cow cut in front of me at the donut hut!"

by CrazyBob62 May 13, 2006

29👍 7👎

Water retaining sea cow

A small animal that is irritating and offensive, coming forth from my girlfreinds mouth like a thousand spikes from a Tomb raider trap.

Ha Ha you water retaining sea cow im so funny

by Heatho November 18, 2006

3👍 9👎