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roy's dilemma

An unexpected penis in the anus.

Everything was going great at the orgy until I was faced with Roy's Dilemma.

by The Reverend Roysus October 1, 2013

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jewish Dilemma

Free ham.

From the stereotype that a Jew can't resist a bargain, and the Levitical prohibition of eating pork.

Father Murphy offered Rabii Bender a ham sandwich. "Oj gevalt!" moaned the good Rabii, "such a Jewish dilemma!"

by Cap'n Bullmoose May 3, 2005

464๐Ÿ‘ 251๐Ÿ‘Ž

Diarrhea dilemma

The critical point in the diarrhea timeline where a person is faced with two choices.

1. Shit your pants in public

2. Rapidly head for non-socially acceptable (or sometimes non-hygienic) locations to do what you need to do and avoid choice # 1. above

Joe knew that he had 10 seconds to avoid choice #1. in the Diarrhea dilemma so ran into the nearest bushes not caring who heard or saw...

100 members of the public: "OMG what is that guy doing...."

by BigFanDan February 8, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

potheads dilemma

whenever you want to get high but your missing one of three key components: bud, bowl, fire. No matter what two you do have, missing one will leave you fucked.

-"Hey I got a new bong, lets get stoned!"
-"Hell yeah! I got a new lighter!"
-"I don't have any weed..."
-"Neither do I..."
-(together) "well fuck!!"

potheads dilemma

by texasfotwenty March 18, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Shitpost Dilemma

When your shitpost is liked more than the work you actually put effort into.

An artist wakes up and paints, putting an enormous amount of effort and time into it. When it is complete, the artist puts this out to the public (usually via social media) and receives minimal feedback about it. Possibly 5 likes. The artist then creates a shitpost in under five minutes and posts it, receiving grand critical reception and more than 100,000 likes.

Artist: "Man, I spent two years on that piece and nobody cares. Then I draw Garfield getting head from George Bush and that's all I'm known for. "
Friend: "Sounds like you've finally encountered The Shitpost Dilemma."

by Smashed Marx April 19, 2021

Asshole Dilemma

When someone (usually from a nice fellow) asks a request of some kind that you heavily disagree with but you can't deny it or else you're the asshole.

Guy 1: Hey wanna go to my birthday party? Yeah, my grandma died, my dog got hit, I couldn't pay my bills, but I trust you could come.
Guy 2: (Wow I'm in such an Asshole Dilemma) Uh... sure?

by lulucio December 22, 2020

the nipple dilemma

when a man or womans nipples are very visible and pointy through their shirt or bra, etc.
common in cold weather circumstances

today in swimming, our pe teacher had a serious case of the nipple dilemma

by letstakeamoment March 25, 2014