Source Code

Stickmin Space Resort

Stickmin Space Resort is made when a criminal (usually a thief) steals another criminal organization's valuables and is presumed dead after fleeing a complex. The said criminal then overhears someone talking about a base, steals the base while riding a scooter, and converts the base into a resort.

Welcome to Stickmin Space Resort. Built out of a former Toppat base, it's been refined for your luxury and enjoyment. Us Toppats that remained on board have reformed and now work as crewmembers. The Toppats that remained on Earth were arrested as you may know. The resort is run by the man himself, Henry Stickmin. Now, you may be wondering, why did he decide to steal a criminal base and turn it into a resort? We may never know, but hey, you wouldn't be here if that didn't happen. Enjoy your stay!

by NovumPhoenixDuck December 7, 2020

Wii Sports Resort

The better alternative to Wii Sports, it’s main menu fucking slaps, and it has doggy frisbee, you can’t beat that

Wii Sports Resort is poggers

by CircleBox- July 24, 2021

last resort friend

A friend or acquaintance you call to hang out with when you desperately want to go out but none of your other friends are available. Sadly we all know one or have been one.

None of my friends are available to go out but I really want to do something... I'll call Clint he's my last resort friend.

by coleyw November 25, 2015

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Last Resort For Texting

A.K.A. as LRFT. Usually, when you have no one else to text, so you text the only person you'd usually never text.

Jake: Man last night, I was so effin' bored at Wal Mart, I texted the lonely girl Hannah, man she's such a lrft.

Josh: Last night I heard the I was a lrft or a Last Resort For Texting, is that right Kait?
Kaitlyn: Uh, no. Heh. *Totally lieing*

by IHitTheCornersOfRoundTables. July 16, 2010

wii sports resort

wii sports but you're stuck on an island

wii sports resort

by papa cakes August 5, 2021

Vail Resorts Gift

A piece of shit that is completely worthless and noboby actually wants. Before distribution, they stamp their logo all over it so nobody can mistake it for actual garbage.

Man this buff is a sweet Vail Resorts Gift.

by Robert Katz November 15, 2007

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Last resort like

When there is nothing left to be said or the situation has turned awkward after a string of comments on a Facebook status. The person will then "like" the last comment on a status due to the lack of further input on the subject. The last comment however isn't the only one subject to last resort liking.

Person with status: "Just got his new car today! :D"
Person commenting: "Nice!"

Person with status will then "like" the comment made about said status due to the lack of further input that can be made.

Person with status: "Ahh, I see you pulled a last resort like."

by Nickie D December 9, 2010

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