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(pronounced bee-niss)
One's stomach/tummy.

I ate too much dog food, and now my benis hurts.

by Captain June 26, 2003

1πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Abbreviation of benefits, which are a type of social security or welfare in the UK.

Jackie had to go on benis after her divorce.

by Mayor Me December 28, 2021

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


penis w a B. can be used for anything.

β€œLook! It’s a wild benis!”
β€œYou’re being a benis.”
β€œCan you hand me that benis?”

by benisqueen May 19, 2019

39πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Bent is used to describe someone who is inquisitive sexy smart and is destined for greatness. Others will make fun of him and pick on him and make lies of farting in biology but that is because they are jealous of all his greatness. And bent is also known for telling the best jokes

Beny says, β€œYou alright”
Dumb idiot says, β€œYeah I’m fine
Beny says, β€œNo you’re half left”

by Anita.P May 19, 2020

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Beny is a one-of-a-kind girl who is destined for success and money. She will have a powerful aura that amazes many, she is incredibly funny and is very charming when she wants to be. Both street smart and book smart, she is very intelligent and a bit cocky and full of herself because she thinks she's the hotshot. she always has something to say. She gets really moody at times but other than that she can put a smile on your face and she can always make you laugh. Three words that could define her would be money, power, and success.

Person 1: omg did you see Beny she won a noble award and is now gonna take over NASA.
Person 2: yeah I'm not surprised she's meant to be at the top.

by Simplystupid420 July 28, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


something a person smokes that is either a dildo or a real penis

"Hey Jerry, wanna smoke some benis after school?"
"No David, I'm not gay"

by Yung Cannoli February 27, 2017

127πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž




by FE4R_VENOM March 11, 2019