Source Code

Tachy Goes To Coventry

A term used by vBulletin forum software to define its 'global ignore list'. Administrators of a forum can choose to put a user on this list. Their posts can be viewed by themselves, but all other users do not see their posts on the forum.

Forum Administrator: I think we need to Tachy Goes To Coventry that user already.

by benzoenator April 14, 2008

65👍 5👎

Coventry High School

Coventry High School of Coventry Rhode Island.... Where to begin where to begin...
First off, if your mommy and daddy aren't local teachers, police or any other town employee and life time Coventry residents you're fucked. Don't expect playing time in sports, no matter how good you are, extra help from teachers or anything else for that matter.
Also, Coventry High School is home to upper-middle class jackasses who think they own the ground you walk on. This, is all because they live in the MAGICAL UTOPIA "WOOD ESTATES" which is nothing more than overpriced raised ranches on the mud hole that is Johnson's Pond. These people all walk around feeling that mommy and daddy will provide... becasue they do and these kids have 0 independence.

Third, the building was designed by a retard.... FLAT ROOF IN NEW ENGLAND?! Are you kidding me?
Lastly, these kids are all miserable little brats. They sit around and act like HARD CORE G's. Also, they love to break your balls until you're pretty pissed and then when shit gets intesnse, back off and act like they were just fucking around.

Dude.... you go to Coventry High school? GET OUT NOW!

by BossMAN March 21, 2012

98👍 19👎

coventry connecticut

Coventry CT is made up of a bunch of country hicks who act thug, they only have a few other races in their school, one being Ariel F.

You god darn coventry connecticut hick!

by Stephen Merlino June 4, 2018

1👍 3👎

send someone to coventry

ignore them, it derives from the way churchil recklacley didnt react to warnings that coventry would be bombed

if you send someone to coventry it means your ignoring them like churchil did

by Paul john hinton September 13, 2005

19👍 35👎

coventry sphinx football club

The greatest football club of all time

The Coventry sphinx football club is the best

by Hi2007. November 25, 2019