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generation y

Members (usually in US, Australia, UK) born (1977-1994). Who's pop culture peaks in the 1990s and 2000s. They are also called Echo Boomers, Y Generation, and the most annoying one Generation Why? Often interior to Generation X (1965-1976) and the Baby Boomers (1946-1964).

Ashton Kutcher, Paris Hilton and Katie Holmes are well known stars of Generation Y.

by AJV14 December 20, 2007

18👍 51👎


the generation proceeding that which is commonly referred to as "X"

Kids from the Y-Generation are so inquisitive...they are always asking "Why?".

by Caitlin March 2, 2005

15👍 27👎

Cold Y Generation

Classified as the last conscious equipped Generation. Meaning they kind of got the way the world worked, and it's not neccessarily a 'We Are The World' place as many Gen Y parents and pop culture would have them believe. Tend to have a uniqueness about them that needs to be explained.

Defining trait is that they have characteristics of Gen X and so called Gen Y, yet do not really feel like they are part of either. Also remember the Pre-Information age society, Cold War, and the arrival of the Gulf War.

Statisticians usually start at '81 and atop at '85. Strongest alienation seems to be between '81 -'83. Is not regulated to years as this 'in limbo' feeling can go back as far as the late '70s. Seemingly making the original end dates of Gen X as the most accurate.

They might even take offense being called Cold Y and make up their own name.

"Cold Y Generation?" "What the fuck is that?"

by tRuNeTiV October 28, 2008

45👍 9👎