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A useless bulk of metal, plastic and other materials that uses an excessive ammount of gasoline. Commonly used in jokes about soccer moms and Republicans.

Michael: Why would anybody need a car THAT big?
Ashley: To make up for something else.

by buttonshXc February 14, 2004

62๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sport utility vehicle. A terrorist fundraiser on wheels. A machine that turns large amounts of the world's bloodiest conflict commodity into a poison gas so fat-rich people can get from their televisions to their sedentary jobs without having to stand up.

When filling your SUV and watching the numbers on the pump go up, somewhere the same thing is happening to a terrorist's bank account. Stop buying these things you vain, insecure little twats.

by author October 14, 2006

260๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mammoth-sized automobile used for no other purpose than to piss off the people they park next to. This angers the victim right up to the point where they have to get their kid out of the car to see if another car is coming past the other side of the ridiculously over-sized heap of metal.

I say we find the manufacturers of SUVs around the world and enslave them to resurrecting the Pinto. Nobody would dare to tailgate you in a Pinto.

by Phatal August 29, 2004

113๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shitty Un-environmental Vehicle. The reason GM is going broke. The reason Ford will also go broke if they keep trying to push these pieces of shit. MoPar won't get hurt though, because they don't push as many of these pieces of shit.

Hey Clem, I done bot me a SUV. It done gets 15 mpg with the wind pushin me downhill.

by AntiGop May 6, 2005

69๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


origionally intended for off-roaders and people who needed a truck and a van at the same time. Now they are used mostly by pricks, dicks and assholes. Soccormoms love these because they can put their 300lb kid in the back, let him watch a DVD so she doesn't have to be a parent while she talks on her cellphone (almost killing innocent motorists in cars and pedestrians) on her way to the soccor game where everybody is special so they all win. SUVs can be divided into 3 catagories
1) Fullsized- overbuilt, overpowered four-wheel-drive beheemouths with more luxury than a 4star hotel i.e. Esclades, Excursions, Navigators, Hummers
2) "Crossovers"- underbuilt, underpowered wuss-mobiles designed so that some people can feel good that they are not driving a tank when in fact, they are even worse because they still waste fuel and space, drive like idiots and should really be driving a van or car. Forgein companies from Asia and Europe often sell these too.
3) Suburbans- Still a full-sized SUV with luxury and four-wheel-drive, but actually designed to tow and work. idiots from catagory 1 still buy suburbans, but so do people who actually work the truck like a truck.

I was crossing the street when some bitch in a SUV hit me. She got pissed off at me (eventhough she ran the light because she was doing her make-up and chatting on her cell) because my face scratched her bumper.

by northendwhitetrash December 30, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A massively oversized motorized vehicle that frequently blocks your view into traffic. Dangerous when parked, especially dangerous when in motion.

I'd pull out of the driveway but that SUV is blocking my view.

by corvus brachyrhynchos July 25, 2003

68๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


The SUV is suppose to be a sport utility vehicle.A rugged truck type of vehicle that is design for offroad purposes,cargo haulers and trailer haulers.The whole idea and concept of SUV since the 1990's has change since the suv has become a vehicle that is a commercial.The auto manufactures increasing making suvs.Before the 1990's GM Cadillac and ford lincoln didn't make an suv.Only made luxury cars.The suv has became a trend and a lifestyle among suburbia people that have to compete with the jones.Majority of suvs never hit offroad dirt road trails.Most suvs are gas guzzler vehicle that support terriorst due to have to have a higher demand for oil and most suvs are not echonomical.SUVs are owned among soccer moms or dads that live in the suburbs to haul kids to school in.Suvs are ugly boxy vehicle that are the size of a sherman tank.The suv is not a very good of center of gravity that has increase risk of rollovers.The suv is the upgrade vehicle of the minivan.What is sad but true is that the road is flooded with suvs with suvs flocked on parking lots,flocked on driveways of the suburbia neighborhood.This is the idea of people that share the same brain and don't believe being and individual. Today idea of owning an suv is to be trendy and to fit in with the folks.Alot of the suvs look like cookie cutters.

Soccer mom has to take her little tykes to school and soccer practice in the sherman tank suv that seat about 7 passengers, but only has 2 children.The suv is very thirsty at the gas pump.To fill up an suv can take up to more than 50.00 to fill up the tank with gas prices almost at 3.00 a gallon.Most suvs get less than 20 mpg unless buy the new hibrid

by clcamaro September 10, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž