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Wishing upon a chocolate starfish

When you are fucking a girl from behind and right as you are about to cum, she grabs her cheeks and spreads them so you can cum on her asshole while making a wish

Wishing upon a chocolate starfish is the adult version of blowing out candles on a birthday cake, usually with less family around.

by Big booty G November 10, 2020

Lip Smack a Chocolate Starfish

To lick a butthole.

Person1: You want to lip smack a chocolate starfish?
Person2: Fuck no.

by VisibleKitten June 18, 2014

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Rocky Mountain Chocolate Starfish

A stale piece of shit hanging from a stinky black girls ass.

I was about to bang her in the ass when out of nowhere I saw a rocky mountain chocolate starfish poking out.

by DannyB,R,davidR December 7, 2007

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Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water

Chocolate Starfish - The outer edges of a womans ass hole.

Hot Dog Flavored Water - What a man tastes while licking and sucking a womans pussy after he cums in her.

Chocolate Starfish AND The Hot Dog Flavored Water - Now this is when you take the semen from your girls pussy and then transfer it out to lubricate your womans ass and then you fuck her ass.

"Did you hear about the guy who did that Chocolate Starfish AND The Hot Dog Flavored Water, his girls ass has been shitting cum for two days I heard!"

by Dave and Erica :) March 22, 2009

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Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water

The third album by Limp Bizkit. Contains singles such as Rollin' and Take A Look Around.

You heard Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water? Wes Borland's riffs are amazing.

by AcrimonicAurax July 16, 2020

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Sweet Chocolate Starfish

The result of using culinary sugar rose up the derriere, inevitably ending in an emergency call. You will have a shattered sugar plug inside you, causing a bloody back door. The shame comes from this act is for a lifetime. Dishonor on you and your whole family.

4am: Badge502 gets the call from 911. Badge502 "You attempted the Sweet Chocolate Starfish?! I told you not to put a sugar plug up your tootsie roll. There are better ways to meet people!" *Sighs and shakes head in disappointment*

by _Tallulah_Rose August 10, 2023

death by chocolate starfish

n. A truly revolting, nauseous guff. Capable of really making squeamish people shout soup!

Ugh, that's fucking disgusting. Its like death by chocolate starfish.

by nuttershamrockshinboner July 11, 2023