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Share Thinking

This is when an individual doesn't research information that was found online but still 'shares' it on. They barely use their own brain in the process to at least try to find out if it is true. Said individuals just 'share' incorrect information and in the process forming an opinion from it. This information is nowadays 'shared' in the form of memes, random Facebook posts, or articles from fake sites etc.

Unknown Starter: 'Walt Disney is cryonically frozen' *Shares post* with caption (opinion) without finding out if this is true.
User A: Sees post, *Shares post* with caption based on the previous user's already incorrect opinion of incorrect information.

User B: Oh wow, I didn't know that!, *Shares post*
User C: *Shares post*
User D: *Shares post*
(This cycle usually continues on until a logical person that can think for themselves decides to research the information).

User E: Guys, this isn't really true, did anyone ever try to find this out? The guy isn't actually frozen. Why share this post if you're not going to find out for yourself if it's true? That's share thinking!

by BMyPleasure June 6, 2015


The act of anticipating a fart will smell so bad that the farter cups one hand, farts into it, and forces the hand into anothers face. The other person is ALWAYS the spouse or significant other. This gesture is met with a slap or a walk-away, sometimes both.

Honey, I love you...(fart-&-share).

by sciflyer.25 May 22, 2015

the devils share

Similar to karma, The Devils Share is a term used to describe a person "getting what's coming to them". Used in the television show "Person of Interest" in reference to a drug dealer who was killed in retribution for murdering an off duty rookie cop who was about to be a new father.

"He got the devils share, its the way the world evens things out. Guy got what he deserved and you wanna know how I've been sleeping? Like a baby. But thanks for letting me unburden myself.

by The_Irish_Chicano April 11, 2016

Share a Sleepingbag

When a man inserts the head of his uncircumsised penis underneath the foreskin of another man.

Lookin to share a sleepingbag tonight?

by SillyNinjagoFan69 November 23, 2019

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share house

A house where two or more unrelated people pay rent to live.

I lived in a share house in Paramatta for a few years but got tired of cleaning up my roommates' messes.

by Wapt August 28, 2009

UrbanDictionary's SHARE THIS

The worst implementation of a SHARE feature.
It can be found under every single definition for the word BUT it only shares the top definition!!
Obviously if there are multiple definitions in a close race for the top spot you may like one of the other definitions but no matter which SHARE THIS link you click it shares the 'winning' definition.

UrbanDictionary's SHARE THIS option is the Epic Fail of Social Networking Sharing known to mankind!

by ΓŸβ˜Όβ˜ΌΓŸΒ£Γ…Ε½β‚¬Γ November 23, 2010

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Share the smealth

Farting in public, making sure you share the smell with as many people as possible. A pun on "share the wealth".

I passed gas on a packed bus today. I know everyone got a whiff of it. Ya gotta share the smealth!

by LonePooper January 27, 2018

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