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Phase Out

When you slowly end a friendship or want to remove someone insufferingly boring from your social group.

We need to phase out Gail.

by SunshineInMyPocket July 5, 2016

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phase 2

when your smoking weed, u get an initial high for about 10 minutes. then phase 2 kicks in and u go crazy and cant think straight. after phase 2 kicks in ur completely blazed

bob: yo this weed isnt that good dude.
mike: hell yeah it is dude just wait for phase 2

by grayb August 11, 2008

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Phase 2

After you smoke some weed, you get a little giddy. Then Phase 2 comes and you get completely stoned and start really feeling baked.

Dude are you high?

A little bit, I'm waiting for phase 2.

by Gray July 26, 2008

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phases of elvis

The stages that legendary performer Elvis Presley has gone through.

1) Young Elvis
2) Fat Elvis
3) Dead and Rotting Elvis

Ed, Rick, and Rich went to the Halloween party as the phases of Elvis. Rick was young Elvis, Rich was fat Elvis, and Ed was dead and rotting Elvis.

by Hot East February 20, 2009

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Morton's Phase

Morton's Phase is generally categorised where by productive effort grinds to a halt and may even tend to the negative.

Morton's phase is kicking in, I'm so easily distracted from work.

by Mr Blobby 52 March 18, 2017

sexy phase

A phase in a girls life were she dates and/or has a sexual attraction to another girl.

(After Scott Pilgrim realizes Ramona Flower's relationship with Roxie Richter)

Ramona: "It was just a phase"

Scott: "Was it a sexy phase?"

by Scott Pilgrim Fan December 29, 2011

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shopkin phase

Ahh....the shopkin phase. This phase takes place in young, usually female, children--typically in the age range from 6 to 9 (no 69 joke intended). The phase is where these young children become obsessed with shopkins, a small and creepy collectible toy that is in the shape of an object you can buy at a store, like the milk your dad is still getting.

Later on these same kids remember this phase and would do anything to forget it (see italic letters).

Don't ask me how I know this

Homo sapien friend: Oh my god remember the shopkin phase.

Homo sapien 2: No

Homo sapien 2: My mind is clear thanks to the society of the blind eye

Homo sapien friend: Correct my friend.

by thiswebsiteisfckingcursed December 5, 2021

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