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Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash (also called Adobe Flash Player, or just simply Flash), is an online game engine/runner/player. Flash was released on Jan 1st, 1996. Flash has been used nearly everywhere on the internet, and one of the most recognizable uses is for video games. You may have seen websites like Kongregate or Newgrounds, for example. There are tens of thousands of flash games on the internet, on many different websites. Flash can also be used for videos and animations.

Adobe Flash will end support in December of 2020.

Time to play my favorite Flash game!
Flash games are so nostalgic...
Aw, I'm sad that Adobe Flash is getting killed.

by IYM March 16, 2020

Adobe Flash

Noun - A computer program designed by a demon, to unleash the powers of hell upon anyone dumb enough to open the program. No one is safe when the program is opened. It will only lead to blood and tears.

True Fact: In the middle ages Adobe Flash would raid villages, rape the women, burn the homes and take slaves.

by LazerTazer October 18, 2010

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Adobe Flash

an animation app that you have to pay for 20 a month

Guy :I got adobe animate
Guy 2 : you mean adobe flash player?
Guy ; no you idiot the animation app

by donotcancelmeorelse February 6, 2022

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Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash, also known as Adobe Flash Player, the Flash virus, or just simply Flash is a major computer virus that has been affecting multiple computer operating systems for over 10 years now. The virus disguises itself as a web game loader, so that stupid people download it, but in reality it opens your machine up to hundreds of security risks, and loads up tons of not only annoying but extremely CPU intensive advertisements on websites that often make your web browser either start to lag like crazy or just simply crash unless you have a very powerful computer (and even then it often leads to problems as the Flash system is so outdated it cant even perform well on many extremely powerful systems). My 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo system could barely handle Flash ads, the CPU fan had to come on full speed to cool it as it ran so hot, just from ADS! Almost all computer security experts agree that Flash should NEVER be installed just for the security risks alone, never mind all the other stuff this virus leads to. Apple is one of the first companies to stop preinstalling Flash on their Macs, and it is not even installable on their mobile devices. It is recommended that if you have a PC or an older Mac that has Flash on it, you remove it immediately. You can find instructions on how to remove it by searching on Google. It is not detected by most major antivirus programs (as Adobe bribes them to not list it as a virus), so you will have to manually remove it.

Person 1: Did you know that Adobe Flash has had over 100 unaddressed major security holes for over a year now, leading to many extremely harmful viruses affecting PC's and Android phones, and even Macs?

Person 2: I don't care, I wanna watch my porno videos and play these poorly done games on Facebook!

by iBoy2G February 22, 2011

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Adobe flash

Something that dies today, we will miss you Flash, you made so many great games run for us. but now shitty HTML5 will replace it.
R.I.P flash player.

Jim: did you know that chrome is killing adobe flash soon?
Jarad: at least ill seen him up here wit me.

by Juice WRLDDD#0999 (DISCORD) December 31, 2021

adobe flash gambit

When an inadvertent right mouse click causes the menu to pop up on an Adobe Flash window, causing the user to lose control of whatever application they were using, as popularized by online chess personality Jerry (ChessNetwork).

Jerry thought he'd finally taken down the wolfman, but then he got hit with an Adobe Flash Gambit and he was done for.

by JohnMatt December 24, 2014

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player (also known as 'Adobe Flash' or 'Flash') is a computer program which is used on the internet by many gamers and websites. It usually needs updating to the latest version every few days which can bring on anger issues among some impatient users. In the year 2020 the developers are planning to get rid of it but many people are begging it to stay. Adobe Flash has been popular for many years now but seems to be declining.

Person 1: Can ya load that game up on the website, mate?
Person 2: Sorry, I'm gonna have to wait for my Adobe Flash Player to update as I haven't used it in 2 hours.
Person 1: *throws a massive tantrum* WHAT A SHIT APP

by Mc Noggin August 9, 2017