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I don't know who you are, or how you stumbled on this word, especially on this site. Kudos to you. These are the real creators of humankind. Don't listen to that RHP christian bullsh*t, the Sumerians were the first opinion, and they were the right opinion.

Anunnaki literally means, "Those who from heaven came down to earth." There's your hint. Start from there. Good luck.

by NightFlash May 12, 2005

239πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


I don't know who you are, or how you stumbled on this word, especially on this site. Kudos to you. These are the real creators of humankind. Don't listen to that RHP christian bullsh*t, there is documentation older than the dead sea scrolls, like the 14 Tablets of Enki in the British museum---6,000 years older than the scrolls.

Anunnaki literally means, "Those who from heaven came down to earth." There's your hint. Start from there. Good luck.


Good luck in your search for the truth!

by Sagely Historian October 24, 2004

126πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Anunnaki is the name of a divine extraterrestrial race that's famous for being the Mesopotamian gods and famous for being a lot human-like and for helping humans on several ways and mainly famous for several theories related that they slaved humans, made humans suffer and created the society that humans have today. Anunnaki are also popular because of Zuism, Anunnakism, Anunnaki Model, An's Heaven and Anunnakiya. Anunnaki is often used to refer to the Anunnaki as a whole despite the term used to refer to the Anunnakis on extraphysical level is Anunna and Anunnaki is just for the ones on physical level.

"There are several discussions and views about Anunnaki, even more than it's possible that Anunnaki actually existed and that they still influence and help humans with several ways and forms, and mainly that because we have Zuism, Anunnakism and Anunnaki Model nowadays and also because we have the idea or create an Anunnaki state on Middle East like Anunnakiya."

by Full Monteirism May 19, 2021

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Anunnaki Accelerationism

Anunnaki accelerationism is an Anunnakist ideology that advocates accelerating society towards an Anunnaki society, seeking to accelerate the implementation of Anunnaki values in all possible places within society, focusing mainly on culture, fashion, religion, spirituality, in philosophy, politics and technology. Anunnaki accelerationism also advocates accelerating Anunnopolitism, Anunnoculturalism, Anunnotranshumanism, Anunnaki system, and Anunnaki theocracy in order to achieve an Anunnaki society in the shortest possible time.

"Anunnaki accelerationism holds that it is possible to accelerate society towards Anunnaki society and achieve an Anunnaki society within 5-10 years."

by Full Monteirism July 20, 2021

Anunnaki System

Anunnaki System is another name for the Anunnaki Model, that's the political model and system of Anunnaki societies, that's characterized by the support of a society without private property, without money and without state where all private property is actually collective property, all means of production are collectively owned and whole society is community-based, politically it supports a form of monarcho-socialism where there's a royal family, a royalty and a nobility where they are community-based organized and they are the ones responsible for the maintenance and security of the community-based society. Anunnaki system is portrayed by being a left-unity to lib-left ideology and as a form of communism, communalism, divinocracy and monarcho-socialism.

"The Anunnaki System shows so well that it's completely possible to have a communist society with a monarchy, a royalty, a nobility and still be ruled by gods."

by Full Monteirism July 16, 2021

Anunnaki Model

Anunnaki Model is a non-quadrant, but usually lib-left ideology, that's the syncretization of the political and economical ideas and concepts of Anunnakism into a political and economical model. Anunnaki model is characterized by the support of familiar self-management, where all means of production, or at least the main means of production, are owned by families cooperatives or by familiar properties, where all private property is replaced by communal-familiar property. Politically, Anunnaki model supports some form of Moncom.png monarcho-socialism, where there's a royal family rulling but this family must rule for the wellbeing of its people and of its country, world and planet, also advocating that all important decisions must be choosen by a royal council formed by the members of the royal family and by loyal members and that the government must have bureaucracy only enough to keep the government working and everything must be organized and well administred.

"Comrades, that would be amazing if we used the Anunnaki Model as a model of socialism for we develop, but we should adapt itself to the material, social and spiritual conditions of Earth because that's necessary, and even use of it to create our state of Anunnakiya on Middle East."

by Full Monteirism May 16, 2021

Anunnaki Nationalism

Anunnaki Nationalism, also Anunna Nationalism, Anunno-Nationalism, Anunnonationalism and Anunationalism, is an ideological concept which consists of advocating an Anunnaki state or a nation based on Anunnakism and the defense of Anunnakism for cultural, identity and civilizational purposes. Anunnaki nationalism is used to refer to the idea of several Anunnaki-related people into the creation of Anunnaki states and countries all over the world, such as the example of Anunnaki Republic of Iceland, Anunnaki Republic of Brazil and the famous example of Anunnakiya, despite the term Anunnaki nationalism is majoritary used to refer to Anunnakiya, but when it’s about Anunnakiya it’s often used to say Anunnakian nationalism since Anunnakian is specifically related to Anunnakiya as well. Anunnaki Nationalism can also be used to refer to nationalist feelings and thoughts for An’s Heaven and for Anunna Empire as well.

β€œAnunnaki Nationalism is really common between anunnakists, zuists and Sumerian neopagans, and that’s nice to see that probably in less than 10 years we are going to have Anunnaki nationalism as a notorious political force in worldwide politics.”

by Full Monteirism June 9, 2021