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Another word for boobs

Jesus was a boinga man

by glutenzone January 31, 2021

48πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The sound guys make in their heads when they see bouncing boobs.

Hey Tim, how did you roped into painting the fence?

Carol asked me to while I was watching Jenny jump rope and all I heard in my head was β€œBoinga Boinga” so I said β€œOK” to get her to shut up.

by W.R.Slade June 2, 2023


Boinga is a word used as an exclamation.

It can also be said when slapping, flicking, smacking, or grabbing someones ass or other private area. Boinga!!

Dude, I can't wait to go to Vegas, Boinga.

BOINGA!!! (Grabbing someones ass)

by Howieizme December 30, 2005

11πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Another, better way to say boobs

"I am not a ass man im a boingas man"

"Jesus is a boinga man"

by Aaron Burr Sir January 31, 2021

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When your tee- shirt is too tight and you either

A) have someone pull your shirt as you walk away.

B) Put your shirt over your knees sitting with your knees up to your chest or indian style.

(my mom made this up)

Can you Boinga my shirt, it's too tight on me.

by Urban Exxplorer July 24, 2010

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Oinga Boinga

an Oinga Boinga is a person who does not wanna admit they are lgbtq+

β€œoh my god, amelia is wearing a plaid coat and her jeans cuffed AGAIN. she’s such an Oinga Boinga.”. β€œman, danny is so homophobic yet at the same time whatever chance he gets he talks about lgtbq+, he is a very huge Oinga Boinga moment.”

by mackisgaylol376 March 9, 2021

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Oinga Boinga

an Oinga Boinga is a straight person who does NOT wanna admit they are lgbtq+

β€œoh my god, amelia is wearing cuffed jeans AND a plaid coat. she is such an Oinga Boinga.

by mackisgaylol376 March 9, 2021

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