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Name for Intels budget line of processors, as they are rather slow and useless.

A computer running an Intel Celery (celeron) processor

by nIMrOD888 June 10, 2007

92πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


1. A green leafy vegetable

2. An excellent fashion accessory

The Doctor wears celery now. Celery is cool.

by TheDoctorsSister August 12, 2011

28πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The word celery can be used in many ways

1) In reference to weed

β€’when you are so high you act like a stick of celery(the veggie) you just sit there in another world
2) A type of veggie

1) Mike: yoooo susan was so celery last night!!!"I called her name... "Susan!" And she responded 10 minutes later saying "what?" Its was sooo funny. Susan couldn't remeber who we were and she thought we were attacking her !!!!
Steve: that's dope

2)I like to eat celery with carrots as a snack when I'm hungry

by Sashaye6 August 26, 2017


A vegetable so atrocious and disgusting

Don't eat celery it makes your breath smell gross af

Emilia: WTF is that smell
Craig: Oh...I just ate celery

by peepeeissmall April 8, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Something you can wipe your ipod on but be careful its dangerous to your health if you dont mix it up with concrete!


by polocatfan November 20, 2010

19πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Celery is a girl who you probably don't want to cross paths with. She has very sociopathic tendencies and can change personalities very quickly if it gives her what she wants. Celery will make friends and drop them when they are of no use to her anymore. She will lie and deceive you to benefit herself, and is very self-centered. No one will ever get to know her the way she knows herself. Although good at hiding it, she will make you think she believes your lies. She usually knows you are trying to deceive her before you know you are. Never get on the wrong side of a Celery. She may look and act nice, but alone, she's a monster.

Why is Celery acting like she doesn't care?

Probably because she doesn't.

by nononever August 12, 2020

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


One of the worst tasting foods ever to exist. You have to be crazy to eat it

Me-"Michelle why are you eating celery!?"
Michelle-"Celery is so good for you"
Me- "Don't be ridiculous"

by Vaughan Derrick September 11, 2008

19πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž