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Chelzi is a beautiful girl who is usually quiet but outgoing around friends. They are very sensitive so be careful with them. Overall they one of the best to have in your life.

Ughh i hate all my friends, wish i had a Chelzi.

by Xryybbuhb October 13, 2018


A beautiful girl who is loyal,smart,and silly. She may be a drama queen but she'll get over it if not then maybe you should pray. She is the best girlfriend a guy could have. If anyone or anything hurts her she will stay strong.She loves sports, her electronics, food,family and her crush. If a friend or anyone stabs her in the back she'll stab you right back. You go girl!

Chelzie is an amazing person

by Kitty turner March 3, 2018


A girl who is so shy but when you get to know her, her mouth doesn't shut up. A very beautiful inside and out. Must be a fallen angel. Sometimes she's funny but mostly she's corny asf.

Chelzy is the prettiest girl in the world.

by Vhen November 24, 2021