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Chelzi is a beautiful girl who is usually quiet but outgoing around friends. They are very sensitive so be careful with them. Overall they one of the best to have in your life.

Ughh i hate all my friends, wish i had a Chelzi.

by Xryybbuhb October 13, 2018


When you are delusional about a person, but completely aware that they are bad for you

Isaiah has shown me plenty of times how much of a terrible person he is, but I think i'm going to stay in my state of delare until he gets it together.

by Xryybbuhb November 9, 2022


A word used for times of misfortune; a replacement for "oh no".
it is also embargo backwards

Friend: Mr. White made our test 50% of our grade
Me: 30%??, ograbme

by Xryybbuhb November 9, 2022