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Dirty Cream

(also dirty creme) Used to refer to the semen or "creme" of any guy who has contracted an STD. Can be used as a warning. Dirty Creamer is used to refer to the guy carrying the disease.

Girl 1- That guy over there is really cute. I think I might go talk to him.

Girl 2- Oh no, you don't want him. I heard he got that dirty cream.

Girl 1- Omg, nevermind then.

by dat93virgo April 7, 2009

8👍 7👎

dirty ice cream

A guy you date once, and they won't stop calling you. They are a good enough catch that you would date them again, but the fact that they are too persistent makes them less desirable like dirt on ice cream.

I had a great date last night, but then he called me 26 times since; he's just like dirty ice cream.

by TaraLM January 25, 2009

147👍 28👎

Dirty Snow Cream

The act of throw frozen cum at someones face

Gunny: Hey commander

Commander: Yes?

Gunny: Catch this

Commander: I love frozen Snacks

Gunny: Yep even my Dirty Snow Cream

by chubbychaser37 November 10, 2010

4👍 2👎

Dirty Ice Cream

Taking something good and making it undesirable, such as putting dirt on ice cream.

I went on a first date with this girl and she was pretty hot and really funny, but half-way through she asked me if I would ever consider asking her to marry me. Talk about dirty ice cream.

by Kunchkunch July 29, 2010

11👍 13👎

Dirty Ice Cream Machine

The sexual act of laying underneath a man's anus, firmly grasping his erection, and pulling downwards as if preparing a soft-serve ice cream cone while he proceeds to defecate (poop) directly into the mouth of an ice cream-lover.

"You know Shelby? Yeah, I totally gave her a Dirty Ice Cream Machine last night. She really loves chocolate."

by ConroyGullam April 23, 2010

22👍 21👎

Dirty Rotten Old Cream of Wheat

An expression of disappointment. Usually used by little old ladies who were taught not to use foul language. The phrase is even more effective if you have an English or British-type of accent.

Little old lady in a DVD store: Do you happen to have any Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) movies that I could purchase?

Store Clerk: No, sorry ma'am, we are all sold out right now!

Little old lady: Well...dirty rotten old cream of wheat!

by WordFreak June 5, 2011

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