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A now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange that was helping people to buy and sell crypto assets, but was operating like a Ponzi scheme with the help and promotion of celebrities and influencers, or like an unregulated bank or casino favored by pseudo-geeky speculators.

What are the odds that Binance will be the next FTX or Luna?

by Fasters November 26, 2022

8👍 21👎


A cringe ass company that scams people with cryptocurrency and then spends the money from their scam on publicity stunts like buying esports teams or making bad Super Bowl commercials with Larry David in them

Guy 1: did you hear FTX bought TSM and made them change their name to TSM FTX
Guy 2: man that's cringe, goddamn crypto bros

by Eat cheetos, don't elect them February 14, 2022

23👍 4👎


A Bahamas-based cryptocurrency exchange.56 The exchange was founded in 2019 and, at its peak in July 2021, had over one million users and was the third-largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume

FTX is the worst company

by SPrice1980 December 2, 2022


Female to "X". X meaning whatever that person feels like at any time so long as it is not female. Transgendered person who identifies as not female. Queer. Lies somewhere on the FTM (Female to Male) spectrum.

Ze is not he or she or him or her. Hys gender is not along the male / female binary - it is FTX. Hy looks like a queer, a dyke, a fag, a guy, your mom, etc.

by Boston FTMe June 27, 2006

72👍 87👎


They promise to fly you down to Fort Knox in a Chinook but actually are going to just do a shuttle run in vans

ROTC Cadets signed up for the FTX with plan they'd be flown down in a Chinook

by wcfb75 April 11, 2022


Claiming to not be part of a sex cult in the Bahamas.

I'm in a relationship, no FTX!

by Tuguit February 2, 2023


FTX - F@#king Thanks


by Option 22 November 16, 2022