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farm animal

Just the most disgusting brand of a whore possible, worse than a dog, just some stock animal that is there to feed you when your hungry.

the farm animal came over last night, mook banged her and i caught the vish!

by Dylan A August 16, 2006

19πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

farm animal sex

Sex that typically takes place when one or both parties are completely wasted, and usually involves a female who is less than a girlfriend/wife, although it may be an opportunity to freak a prudish significant other. Activities during farm animal sex include bending said female's limbs in a manner not originally intended, to access atypical positions, and may or may not involve consensual or 'accidental' use of taboo orifices. Usually leads to excessive soreness and vague questions about the previous night's activities from said female.

Susy and I hooked up after drinking a bottle of Absinthe at the St. Patty's Day parade and had some serious farm animal sex that almost dislocated both her hips.

by lost crow March 1, 2008

65πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Digital Farm Animals

Emotional Dirt.


For example - Digital Farm Animals are so sick have you heard them? they fuse disgusting basslines with sad melodies :( :) ...........Go check them out

by DubstepConnoseur November 23, 2010

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

animal farm

George Orwell, the chronicler of the totalitarian systems, wrote Animal Farm is a tale of the beautiful, perfect world in which all are equal. The masses rise up to throw off the oppression of a few, only to find soon after in a new form of terror and bondage again.

There are Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky, which appear in the form of intelligent pigs Major, Napoleon and Snowball, but also with names like Mao, Kim Il-Sung or Ceauşescu is coming from the same initial to the same end, and with names like Hitler, Pinochet of course, even if it were not called revolution.

This makes the Animal Farm a fairy tale that will remain current for just as long, as long as there are dictatorships on earth. But that does not concern us here. You might think! Because totalitarian tendencies, albeit on a modest scale, are everywhere, on every continent, in every country. It is always remain vigilant to us, always make sure that the story can not be turned back.

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a classic of literary history.

by Mundanus April 28, 2014

68πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Animal Farmed

When some piece of text, particularly a website, changes without notice to help impose a new viewpoint.

That NYT article was totally Animal Farmed after critics called it anti-Semitic!

by Mr. XY April 4, 2013

animal farm

Quite possibly the best political satire ever written. This, of course, comes from the genius that is George orwell who has also written the master.piece 1984
Basically, this is the russian revolution but with farm animals.
everythings in it; Stalin (Napoleon in the book) Propaganda (Squealer), Trotsky (Snowball) as well as a number of other people and groups of people who are represented by animals, humans and objects.
The symbolism in this book is great. If your know a minimal amount about Russia in those days, then you'll love how this book makes it easy to understand.
In fact, this book is so good that its still on the top 50 list for top sellers. Also, it is a good read for children as well as intelligent adults.

Now, go read it! Its about a 100 pages so it won't take up all your time.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

by mrpopenfresh April 23, 2004

671πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

Animal Farm

A political satire written by the well-known author George Orwell during 1945, when the United States was allied with Soviet Russia. Orwell shows the true flaws in communism.

As Animal Farm shows, communism is better on paper than in practice.

by sihfoagfndhmdfm October 8, 2006

112πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž