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Is an absolutely great guy. Looks great, takes what he wants and is above average successful. Hardly anyone can keep up with him.

Henrick is a great guy.

by LuckyTouch November 22, 2021


He is sweet and he send random “I love you” He does weird, cute stuff on FaceTime. He has curly hair, sharp jawline, and a beauty mark on both sides of his head. He has a amazing smile that bright up the room when he walks in, but he doesn’t like to smile in pictures. He has a good sense of style. And last but not least he is TAKEN!

“ Henrick your a catfisher

by The girl friend December 16, 2018

9👍 15👎


he is a licking vaping machine monster. A girl walks past him and he just drops to the floor and starts licking he toes and sniffs his armpits. Not even kidding but his willy is smaller than a single atom. When he goes to the beach he will poke a hole in the sand then strip and lie down putting his willy in the hole. Every sports game he goes to he goes there naked and shakes his tiny willy in the middle of the field hoping little boys will chase after him.

Henrick-walks past a 10 year old girl and says hi

girl-reminds him that he spent 60 years in prison for pedifiler and he has rabies, aids, and gonorrhea

by niggerballs217 July 25, 2022

2👍 2👎


He is an very smart but cringe kid. He has only one hobby Minecraft. He plays 8 houres a day minecraft but is very bad

Henrick plays 8 houres a day minecraft

by Henrickiscringe November 25, 2021

3👍 2👎


Some German kid in a small ass school. Always on his fucking computer.

"Henrick, put your fucking computer away."

by boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidontdoit February 2, 2017

23👍 37👎

Jan Henrick

You Know This Person And You Decided To Search Up His Name On A Dictionary

Anonymous: I’m Going to Search Up Your Name On A Dictionary

Jan Henrick: Who Does That

by Yourreallythought December 1, 2021


A girl, most likely short. Often Aries', constanly passive aggressive, and short tempered. Weird humor, has a lot of inside jokes. Sociable, but only has some close friends.

guy1: "that girl is so short she could be a midget"
guy2: "must be named henricke"

by Fridanyland July 31, 2017