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Great place to live with a diverse racial background. Known for the original birth place of Aurellios pizza. Also known for its hot soccer moms , jail bait and ass-hole cops with nothing to do.

Hey lets go to Homewood for some awesome pizza before we get arrested for getting jail baited by some hot 17 year old chick that looks like a soccer mom .

by circumbinary pimpin August 6, 2011

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A suburb just south of chicago that is quickly becoming just as bad as the inner city

Sara lives in homewood I hope she doesnt get shot

by Sont matta July 18, 2006

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a guy who is very timid and serrupticious, who tries to ignore being bullied or hit with flying objects in a classroom/lunchhall. but will give you a sly peek like a hawk from the side of his eyes when under pressure so he can spy the culprit.

Thom - "check that guy scoping us out, he's a right sly pie"

Chris - "yeah, he's a real homewood"

by thom alexander October 20, 2007

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Homewood ham

In Pittsburgh, Homewood is a city area full of wogs. Watermelon is one of their favorite foods and the Italians that run the produce yards nicknamed watermelons as "Homewood hams". You can figure out the similarity.

Wogs sure love those Homewood hams!

by sodesnay February 1, 2010

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Homewood-Flossmoor Highschool

Former HighSchool of Nicholas Cruz. The students here are normal until you step on their shoes, then they pull a .45 on your dumbass. The principal is the fakest one you’ll encounter, and most of the girls like the underside of a cheeze-it.

Nigga 1:”Did Homewood-Flossmoor HighSchool get another shooting threat?”

Cracker 1:”Yeah, same as every week.”

Nigga 2:”At least we’re not an all boys school, am I right?”

Nigga 1:”Lol”

by Yungniggapussy November 16, 2018

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Homewood-Flossmoor High School

High school in Chicago's south suburbs. Renowned for being the high school of late rapper Juice WRLD. Not renowned for academics. Majority black school, with plenty of white kids comfortable saying the N word. Teachers are pervy, most students are idiots. Sports team were good, now are trash. Also commonly threatened with bomb/shooting threats.

Cracker - What's up my n#@?$

Black Dude - What up... Tanner...

Cracker - Don't come to Homewood-Flossmoor High School tomorrow and you'll be safe...

by FOAC September 12, 2022

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joshua homewood

the 2nd sexiest man alive just after Ryan Reynolds

who is joshua homewood? the 2nd sexiest man alive that’s who.

by siuuu_rinalch_sharratt August 22, 2021