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master of beer pong.

Dude, I totally just pulled a howlett on the table.

by MMMirra September 17, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Commonly confused with a large square-shaped lump of basalt. This is, however, incorrect and it is simply something that resembles a human, with a non-square-shaped head. There is also great debate over the sexuality and even gender of the Howlett.

hey rachel, check out that Howlett, its HUGE! lets go hit it.. or cover it in highlighter fluid.
hmm.. do you think it would fit up a dyson?

by matt r lfc November 16, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A thick as hell twat that slides around all day on his own bullshit. he commonly gets raped by his dad.

Ha ha look at that thicko he must be howlett

by Gay September 16, 2003

25๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


a dimwitted person who drags knuckles on ground

you must think i am a howlett if i belive that

by bob July 12, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr Howlett

The name for any teacher that sticks a clip on every lesson because he's too busy getting pissed to plan a proper lesson.

It originates from the phrase " HOW the fuck do they LET him get away with that"

He/she often has other lazy traits, they are often identifiable by 3 factors.
1) their obsessive use of video clips.
2) often have shit shoes as they have traded style for comfort.
3) they always have a berocca on Monday morning to help with their constant hangover.

"I've got Mr Howlett next"
"I thought you had Mrs Fitch"
"I do but all she does is show us clips"

by Farlingaye July 16, 2017

James "Logan" Howlett

The name X-Men's Wolverine's birth name. Although he appears to be in his mid to late 30s, he was actually born in the 1800s due to his mutant healing ability as well as having bone claws. In his youth, He befriended a child with the same mutant powers by the name of Victor Creed, who later became known as Sabretooth. when he found out that Victor's father was also his, both Victor and James ran away from home and joined special forces that were in every war from that point, until James left the squad

six years later, Victor went on a mutant under his old commander Colonel Stryker, for a weapon 11 project.
he looked for James and supposedly killed James' girlfriend and snapped his bone claws. James woke up and Colonel Stryker was in front of him saying that Victor is hunting him too. so he made a proposition and promised two things.

1. he will go through more pain than he has ever been through

2. he will get the tools kill creed

after that, James had a rare metal called adamantium infused with his bones. in the lab, he was known as Weapon X . After he left the Weapon X facility, he became known as either Logan or Wolverine.

Longer story short, he lost all his memory from an adamantium bullet to the skull.

Wolverine was once known as James "Logan" Howlett, the brother of Victor Creed. AKA Sabretooth

by rain1987 December 8, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Howlett Ben Disease

The Harry Howlett Ben disease is where you get dragged in by a huge force and become australian and look exactly like Harry. (not a bad thing)

"Yo man, you got the Harry Howlett Ben Disease"
"Ye, I get so many ladies now."

by Alyssa Jones July 14, 2006

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