Source Code


The acronym for the website, "isanyoneup".

Hey Dude, I totally just saw your girlfriend on IAU!

by SummerXyay June 24, 2011

30👍 9👎


Inappropriate Apostrophe Usage.
When somebody uses a ' unnecessarily.

<Fred> What size PATA drives do you need?
<Bob> I need some 500gb's.
* Fred stabs bob for IAU

by grammar warrior June 14, 2008

9👍 13👎

te iau pe sus

te iau pe sus is a phrase said by mihalis. the phrase has the meaning of either taking a person by force and fucking them or taking a person by force, in anger, and killing them. However the more logical meaning of the phrase would be to sweep someone off their feet.

*ur chilling w ur friends just talking*
Mihalis:Te iau pe sus
you and ur friends: what...?

by carlothemaid July 4, 2022

7👍 2👎

Sa-ti iau familia-n pula

It means "I'll take your family on my dick" in romanian.

Sa-ti iau familia-n pula, copil orfan!

by Sugi pula November 2, 2023