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A fucken great song that is about cows :) like honey it’s the best fucken song you will ever hear!

Got milk bitch? got cheese? Mooo!

by Angel πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ August 29, 2018

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When you see a waifu with some desirable milkies.

*Doesn’t apply to just vegans.

β€œOnii-chan, look at that girl.”

by Mr Cwaf October 1, 2021

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An exclamation signifying an immediate change in subject with no further continuance of the previous subject at all.

Timmy "John, what did you get up to this weekend? Damn, did you see what happened to that girl on the news? Wait, weren't you dating a girl from Wicker Park? oh Shit! That was the girl you were dating wasn't it?
John "mooo!"

by Roger Hatrum January 10, 2005

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


mooo= hi/bye cuz hi and or bye is overrated so instead sent mooo with as many or as few "o"s go all out on demand "o"s!

person 1- mooo
person 2- moo
person 1-how was ur day ?
person2- eh, u?
person 1- oop. I gtg mooo
person 2- ok moooooo

by unstable Omori fan October 4, 2020

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


the best of the best.

Mooo called

by cec king August 11, 2008

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


song by doja cat that became a meme

look there’s doja cat!
the cow girl?
yeah right, mooo!

by dojapussygames September 10, 2021


The sound a cow makes

The cow went moooo

by moopy tecno February 2, 2015

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž