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used directly after dissing somebody, especially in comebacks. When written in text, the word officially has 7 h's. If the writer uses less than 7, he or she is declaring that they (the writer) are gay. If more than 7, they are super gay.

Henry: "you're funny"

Alen: "you're funny looking, ohhhhhhh"

by super pinky March 14, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

"Ohhhhhhh...!" moment

The super-welcome/relieving point in time when ya hear a repair-person make the much-hoped-for "Aha! I just now spotted what the problem is" type of exclamation, and so you happily realize that not only did he locate the source of the malfunction in your device, but his cheerful/confident tone also indicates that he knows how to fairly-easily correct said issue, and so presumably you should be "back up and running" without too much delay or expense.

I always love experiencing that wonderful "Ohhhhhhh...!" moment whenever I take a malfunctioning vehicle or household device in for service, since it means that the device is indeed repairable after all, and won't be that much trouble to get operating normally again.

by QuacksO November 8, 2018


TikTok rizz party, very intriguing. very demure, very mindful. absolute best thing ever. if I were to have top 5 life experiences ts would be first. I love rizzers.

not original rizz party but ts rizzed me up like so much like OHHHHHHH im js a guy lookin at other sweaty guys and thinking...woah. I wanna dry hump them and let them pee on me like tf?

Turkish Quandale: hottest and most wobbly one. def a bottom. black hair, brown skin, big nose. hot...
Blue tie btc: this dude sweaty asl. like wtf why u so wet but anyways I find it hot, moving on
Random: I think its so f-ing cute, like bro thinks he fits in but like he lit doesn't but wtv its so hot I hump my dog to him.
2nd in command: bros second and always will be second, you'll Never be the greatest or the leader. Daddy dont like u...
tomato boy: blud is red, prob from me humping him all day long. its wtv at least I aint shoving it up there. get real.

by booty bopper August 19, 2024

yayayayayayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ohhhhhhh

When youโ€™re happy for the first time ever in your life, you say this.

Iโ€™M SEEING TAYLOR SWIFT! yayayayayayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ohhhhhhh!!

by thecharacterwannie August 12, 2023