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Oh really

Usually an answer given when you don't 1. Give a shit 2. When you are trying to be polite by not saying no shit. 3. A smartass answer given to someone who just stated something very obvious or very stupid. Can be used in a number of ways.

Hey man have you seen those new Dodge Challengers? They are really fast. OH REALLY?

by pantyteamaster May 1, 2010

166👍 45👎

oh really

Decadent term, or form, for the expression also known as "O'RLY?" usually represented by a white owl.
Note: Only use this form when talking to a lawyer or brit.

Incorrect usage:
Player1 = OMG OMG OMG, Today I tottaly PWND a lvl 60 Epic character!!!!!
Player2 = Oh Really?

Note: use "O'rly?" instead

Correct Usage:
Lawyer: The acused is the murderer as he was the only one present at the time of the murder and has his fingerprints on the murder weapon.

Jury thinks: Oh really?

Note: This situation involves a lawyer, therefore the term is "Oh really?" and not "O'Rly?" even if the jury isn't saying it out loud.

by Zamite June 28, 2006

36👍 20👎

'Oh really?!'

A derogatory term, used when questioning an authority.

"You can't park here!" - 'Oh really?!'

"Yeahh i saw that last night too" - 'Oh really?!'

by Madame Izzleton Citron July 11, 2008

15👍 9👎

Oh, Really?

n. Commonly used when you have absolutely no interest, whatsoever in what the douchebag who asked you out is saying to "win you over" as you reject his stupid ass....again!

Douchebag: So Connie, Did I ever tell you I have a black belt in Karate?

Connie: *thinks who gives a shit*
Oh, Really?

*never looks up, keeps walking*

Douchebag: Yeah, I was top of my class. I could totally show you some moves someday if you'd like.

Connie: *thinks, that's great! You dumb bastard... now, go away*
Oh, Really?

Douchebag: YEAH! I didn't think you'd be interested.... so I can pick you up at---

Connie: Look Douchebag! I'm not fucking interested. Leave me the hell alone!

by SorryBOYSimTAKEN March 28, 2010

7👍 6👎

Oh really...

The definition of oh really is either...
Shut up
I couldnt give two shits

Stop talking...too much.

Teacher= I like cheese
Student= Oh really...

In this example the student is portraying an image to the teacher that she needs to shut the fuck up.
Its simple really...

by Notsochavygirl November 12, 2017

2👍 3👎

Oh really Zeus

A phrase used in sarcastic response to an obvious or inane statement.

*Bob enters the room with disappointment written on his face
Tina: Omg are you not having a good day rn broskie
Bob: Oh really Zeus? How could you tell, smh
Tina: Chill bro, take it easy!

by juniorman May 31, 2015

Oh really mister tough guy

A term used by math teachers around the world.

Student: I'm afraid I will not solve that exponent equation. I don't believe in higher powers.

by SAXTUSBETA November 24, 2011

2👍 3👎