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a young, angry member of the legal profession; confident of his ability in every field

"So, I told him his fuel injection needed fixing, but he was a total palf about it and told me he knew better"

by O.G. January 18, 2005

15šŸ‘ 7šŸ‘Ž


a long hairde young man

simon palfreyman

by Anonymous January 13, 2003

4šŸ‘ 9šŸ‘Ž


a long-haired pot smoker


by fuckoff January 13, 2003

2šŸ‘ 5šŸ‘Ž


Pecurliar ass looking freak

"You're such a PALF"

by Percidernan May 11, 2023


Someone who used to drive a Ferarri but decided it wasn't his thing and prefers the looks and drive of a Ford Fiesta. Someone who has a stunner of a bird yet cheats on her with something a hell of a lot less appealing!

Chris: You hear about Craig?
Gray: Nah, what's he gone and done now???
Chris: He's only gone and done a Palf!
Gray: Mug!

by Yiddogray November 19, 2007

3šŸ‘ 5šŸ‘Ž


That 'pal' in the group, who's the life of the party. pAlf's just like to have some fun in the sun and are huge chick/dick-magnets. If you should ever come across a pAlf - put a ring on him.

"Now, the party don't start, till pAlf walks in."

by thatM&Mchick September 30, 2018


For every orifice to be filled up during group sex

What are your plans this weekend ?
Iā€™m supposed to be getting palfed by the basketball team

by ColPet October 19, 2018