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A Magical place not too far from the busy hub of London City. The heart and Pride of the East located alongside the junction of Cristian Street.

Pillars of Inheritance passed on from generation to generation lay on the outskirts of a beautiful greenery estate once owned by Tower Hamlets council but now passed on to the hopeful trustworthy hands of eastern Homes.

"The Pillars" come in shape of Concrete "Bollards" which double as seating area for the local lads of all stature ranging from Police officers to uncles...Drug users to Drug dealers. A place of all diversity, skills and Attributes.


2 minutes driving distance from Tower Bridge, Surrounded by the veins and Arteries of the pillars: The Highway, Cable Street

Satellite Navigation Info: POST CODE: E1 8HT

Uncles: Khoyba Nomazor Time oyzar
Enams dad: Im at the Fillars!

Lads: Hide the CIGGS

The Pillars: Birthplace of world changing ideas.

by Pillars Administrator September 9, 2009

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


After the overprinting of Russian currency, it was disregarded and thrown out. To be hastily replaced by their new currency, skittles. But after the mass consumption of the delicious snack, they reverted to an older form of currency. Aborted baby seal fetuses.

Also: See definition of Collin.

Wow! That computer is worth 20,000 Pillars!

by Aaron Imrie May 30, 2007

12πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


(cater)pillared; the act of transforming into a noble and celestial space caterpillar, most likely due to the presence of Space Jesus or psychoactive chemicals.

Yo, that secret Space Jeezey set had me 'pillared af, fam.

Omg im totally trying to pillar tonight, we gotta find the K...

Dude look at that guy he's pillaring .

by March 24, 2018

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A probe of one's digestive tract using a wax product of the same name.

Did you just see Mary get Pillared? That was off the hook!

by SupaLeetUrbanKewlGye August 12, 2004

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a soft, rectangular item used to rest your head on during sleep; sometimes confused with a pole that holds up a house or other building.

jim-bo : "well ellie-mae go grab that PILLAR fer paw tah lay on"

by magic_love August 23, 2010

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The action to success with a boy or girl and fuck or Kiss each other

Carlos: Tio esta noche voy a pillar!!
Pablo: No creo, son todas unas calientapollas y ya estΓ‘

by Eunilk November 25, 2014

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


pillar is one of the best bands in the world, they are a Christian hard rock group that pwn's over all other bands out there, Christian or secular. They consist of rob on vocals, noah on guitar, kalel on bass, and lester on the drums, they have great hits such as bring me down and their cover of the U2 song Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Dude! i saw pillar last night, they pwn'd.

by Jareth November 10, 2005

70πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž