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Arrogantly figuring in your own oblivious/selfish mind that proceeding rapidly is okay, without asking others in your vicinity if said speedy travelling on your part would distress or otherwise inconvenience them.

Impatient motorists who recklessly dart in and out of traffic to more-quickly get where they are going sure are prezooming a lot --- oh, sure, THEY may save a few minutes in their commute-time, but what about all the other startled souls who have to slam on their brakes and get additional gray hairs as a result???

by QuacksO August 18, 2019


A state in life where business meeting and social occasions took place on an in person basis.

As suggested by Amy Trask, former CEO of the Oakland Raiders. Amy is also known as The Princess of Darkness in NFL circles.

PreZooming, remember when we used meet in person to discuss all of the BS that we talk about now, but in a virtual world.

by s3friedman November 2, 2021


The process by which meetings and social occasions were conducted prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

Suggested by @AmyTrask: American sports executive, author, and lawyer from California. She is the former CEO of the Oakland Raiders. Trask has also been referred to as the "Princess of Darkness" by Raiders fans. Wikipedia

Prior to the Pandemic of 2020, we lived in a PreZooming state of life. Meetings were mostly conducted face-to-face, while attendance at social occasions meant that the person receiving the invitation would actually attend the event.

by s3friedman November 2, 2021


The process by which meetings and social occasions were conducted prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

Suggested by @AmyTrask: American sports executive, author, and lawyer from California. She is the former CEO of the Oakland Raiders. Trask has also been referred to as the "Princess of Darkness" by Raiders fans. Wikipedia

Prior to the Pandemic of 2020, we lived in a PreZooming state of life. Meetings were mostly conducted face-to-face, while attendance at social occasions meant that the person receiving the invitation would actually attend the event.

by s3friedman November 2, 2021