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push pen anxiety

A psychological state characterized by one's excessive push-in push-out of his or her retractable pen; due to stress or boredom.

*click click* *click click*

That kid at the back of the class has a serious case of push pen anxiety.

by luckyonehere August 12, 2011

7094👍 1594👎

Push pen anxiety

Push pen anxiety is when you click your pen's little button. It is addicting because of it's sound and it's motion of going up and down (no sexual innuendo.) You kind of get hypnotized. It's weird but kinda awesome. Hah, try it out but not in class. You might get in trouble with your teacher, mates.

The child got push pen anxiety and got in trouble for clicking it so much times.

by Ultraf0xDictionary June 7, 2014

23👍 4👎