Source Code


Ratticus is a pimp, he slapped my mum `cause she didnt count his money

"BITCH, better count my money"
(Gunfire) *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka* *Dakka*

by Jesuit-Monkey May 29, 2004

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Possible the 1337357 rat ever, he hacks and view porn in his sleep. It is a not very widely know fact the he pulls 45 drive-bys daily, mostly on mice and other non-ratlinke rodents.

"Im am teh 1337357 |-|4xx0r 3\/4, except for Ratticus cause he haxx0red my eyeball"

by Ratticus January 17, 2004

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This one time I was talking to him in DC and he shot me in the head from the other side of the map, then I died.


by omg_asl_cyber February 16, 2004

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A 1337 HaxX0r

Man Ratticus is so 1337 he haxX0red my mobo then overclocked it with a metal-working lathe.

by Eddie Parkinson May 30, 2004

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Ratticus Stratticus

The greatest strategy to implement on Fortnite. Based in peace, you do not pick up any weapons. You pursue Runner Up Royale 2nd place victories utilizing traps, mobility items, and hiding.

Do you play Fortnite? Yeah dude, I practice Ratticus Stratticus though, I'm a pacifist.

by The GrundleWhisperer September 18, 2018

Ratticus Finch

A snazzy blog that tells the tales of fashion through the eyes of Rat, Bus, and their many friends

Hey did you see Ratticus Finch's new post?

Sure did! I liked the shoes that Rat wore.

by meremaid January 18, 2013

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Ratticus Boy

A young male rat. Usually seen scampering around for cheese scraps. Bald as a motherf**ker with little pink rat hands.

I was just chilling at the club when Ratticus Boy came along, stole my woman, and my cheese.

by RatticusOG April 9, 2023