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Usually a person (male or female) that have big goals and push harder than everybody else to reach them.
No one can tell a RIBEIRO how to do something because they do it their own way (and RIBEIROS are usually correct).
A Ribeiro is almost like an invencible demigod in terms of resilience.
These people are not affraid to show their strong convictions like religion.
These people don't show extreme emotions in public.
The Ribeiro males are a rare type of sigma males.
These people are beyond alpha and sigma males.
They set high goals and they work like no one else does in order to reach them. The title of invencible demigods comes from this high persistence. They usually work in silence without brag about it.
These people put their family always in the first place.
Family over friends and easy pleasure.
They work in order to provide the best life to their family even if that requires a lot of sacrifices.
The main characteristic of a Ribeiro is the ability to work hard for a long time in adverse conditions and throughout pain only to reach a goal.
You can always trust in a RIBEIRO because he will never betray you.
A Ribeiro doesn't lie and inspite of being sensitive, polite and caring they will tell you always the true even if it hurts.

Person 1: "What are you doing?"
RIBEIRO: "I'm studying. I've been doing this for the past 3 hours and i still have to run 10km today because i can't skip my workout day."
Person 1: "Damn, ok Ribeiro!"

Person 1: "You're so bad at this game!"
RIBEIRO: *ignores and focus in order to beat the other person in the 2nd round*

RIBEIRO's mum: "You shouldn't workout 4 times a day. That is not good for you."
RIBEIRO: "Ok. I'm sorry mum. But i really need this. Please let me do this. It's who i am."

by TheManWhoConqueredTheWorld July 13, 2021


One whos penis is extremely large and tasty

I love to suck on ribeiro! Its soo delicious.

by Willy Rib August 22, 2006

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Dirty Ribeiro

When you bend your woman over a couch by and at some time during the love-making you pull out and let your friend take over without her knowledge. Then you run around and wave at her from the other side of the couch.

Bonus points if you yell to friend something like "Happy Birthday dude" or something appropriate.

My bitch was working on my nerves so I gave her a dirty Ribeiro

by Old Joe April 6, 2006

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Lucas Ribeiro

LucasCodes is a very caring game developer who wishes to become famous one day. He is also known for his brilliant web design, he started coding at such a young age and has become an amazing friend who is very caring.

Me: That guy just helped me learn how to code, he is very nice!
Friend: He must be Lucas Ribeiro!

by ordinaryguy_ December 18, 2019

Lucas Ribeiro

He’s a pussy ass bitch and he can’t whoop nobody

Damn did you see Lucas Ribeiro get whooped by Travis?

by Papatrav March 14, 2018

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Gabs Ribeiro

Granite chin, left Straights do not phase this man. He trains to be a killing machine, if you spot him be respectful or you'll meet saint john at the gates of heaven.

Run, Its Gabs Ribeiro!

I seen Gabs Ribeiro, he got bigger must be steroids

by Chosen1One January 4, 2021

Pedro Ribeiro

He is an enormous douchebag who loves penis for breakfast because he has a small penis . Sometimes he is so fcking annoying and people just want to kill that cunt . He is the worst person you could ever know!

Danny-"Whats his disease?"
Phil-"People call that "Pedro Ribeiro" "
Danny-"Sounds disgusting"
Phil-"Yeah, indeed..."

by Tigae January 29, 2016