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The mascot for the social news website Reddit, mainly depicted as a short white alien with orange eyes and an antenna.

Just imagime if Reddit was actually designed by aliens in disguise, and Snoo is their leader.

by CelticEagle February 11, 2019

73๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kinda like a shart. But in this instance the motion emerges as a result of the muscle change caused by a sneeze, hence the name: sneeze + poo = snoo.

Hard to believe possible I know, but I've seen it happen. It was awful.

*Al enters office from adjoining warehouse looking gleeful*

Al: "You're not gonna believe this... Jay just had to go home!"

Shezzer: "What? Why?"

Al: "He just snooed!"

Shezzer: Gross! That's a food-safe environment...

by GuacamoleSoup October 1, 2014

32๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Snoo is the mascot of Reddit and I fucking hate it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the mascot itself. Snoo is an adorable plump alien that gives off cute teletubby vibes... and thats exactly what I have a problem with.

It's quite ironic to use such a "happy-go-lucky" alien when the majority of its userbase consists of pricks and obstinate assholes that fully negates the welcoming charismatic vibe that Reddit attempts to portray. While toxicity exists on all platforms, the way reddit is engineered just promotes dissent. You feel as if youre defending for your life with everything you say (and I know many feel this way too). And if the thread isn't toxic, it's just way too sober.

There are mascots that do justice to its platform. The cute yak of Yik Yak (now defunct) aligns perfectly with the cute vibe of the platform. Twitter is toxic AF, but the neutral depiction of the bluebird still fits. The cheerful depiction of Snoo, at least in the Reddit app, doesn't fit at all with its sober bittersweet environment.

Also, Reddit seems to capture a large demographic of late 20s-30s people. Idk about you, but Snoo seems to be more fitting towards Gen Z. With the exception of r/memes or r/teens, reddit really isn't the place for kids/teens so Reddit's depiction of Snoo just isnt holding up IMHO.

Only those that have 1) barely used Reddit, 2) only dwell in specific hobby communities, or 3) only visit cheerful, wholesome and kid-friendly subreddits will find Snoo to be fitting.

Someone: Haha I love the Reddit alien snoo
Me: ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ
Someone: ?
Me: *cue joker meme* You wouldn't understand....

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 3, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


To rub noses with either a partner or lover, or a much loved pet animal, in an affectionate way, like the Eskimo kiss but with more gentitlity- unless it's a 'woodpecker snoo', which is a much faster, slightly more aggressive (but still pleasurable) action. Can also be the pet name of the person you regularly do it with.

"Oo oo oo, I wanna snoo with you"

"You are my snuvverly snoo"

"Snoo with that flibbly woo"

by Herr Metaaaal December 13, 2012

21๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Boring, Plain, or Lame
Derived from the word โ€œsnoozeโ€ meaning to sleep

The movie was so snoo, I could barely stay awake watching it.

by Vundavata June 18, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A legendary warrior in the MMO Wurm Online

I saw Snoo today, damn is he mighty

by boomstompasdf September 1, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A real creature, they are close relatives of the Blobfish, though Snoos do not live underwater, but in fact on top of the clouds. Literally. There are many different types of Snoos, like the Snooba family (Snoobini, Snoobette), Snooshie family (Snooshette, Snooshini) and the Flob family (Flobette, Flobini).
The Snooba family have large noses, blue and purple birth marks, pimples, moles and freckles. They are a pale pink, to reddish pink, to peach pink to salmon pink. Snoos live in Helvenworld, where there are many cities, towns and states, most of them named after Snoo families. The capital of Helvenworld is Helvenville, in the state of Helven.

Ylil: 'Gosh, this trip to Helvenville's taking ages!'
Enirehtac: 'Why of course it does! It's all the way up in the clouds! Read a book if you have to.'
Ylil: 'Wow, the Snoos must get car sick . . .'

by Germah Horltott April 17, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž