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A Tarj is a place of detention in which a person is legally held as a punishment for a crime that they have committed. A Tarj may also be called a prison. jail prison prisoner slammer

After Joey was convicted for attempted murder, he was put in Tarj for 15 years.

by 19n June 16, 2019

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a word which one uses after someone else replies 'what' or 'huh'

the object is to make another person feel completely foolish

billy: jackson!
jackson: what?
billy: TARJ!!!

by nick pacula January 5, 2008

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Someone who is very annoying and always gets on your nerves.

"Man, stop being such a bainal-tarj!"

by Nico Docherty March 3, 2008

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Tarj Mahal

(1) A glorified nickname for Target retail stores that are found in mid to upscale neighborhoods. Often, such stores offer added luxuries like Starbucks counters and specialty brand items (i.e. Frederic Fekkai hair products) not normally associated with a standard Target store.

(2) A fabulous retail outlet, aka Target.

I just spent 3 hours at the Tarj Mahal and dropped about $500 bucks, but at least I got a Dyson vacuum cleaner and a Venti Caffe Americano with two inches of soy milk.

by A.Bomb and Lil Deets July 11, 2008

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very toxnic

Why does we have sym,etria tarje

by May 10, 2017


Tarje is a rear Scandinavian name, usually given to tall, strong, built like a tank men, with a mind blowing enormous penis. A Tarje has the capability to fuck every mom he wants to, whenever he likes.

Oh is that a Tarje?

Yes… why?
You should be careful around him
He can fuck your mom with his enormous dick whenever he wants!!!

by Penguin pussy enjoyer November 26, 2021