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The Guessing Game

a game that people play over video chat where one side will pick a number and make the other side guess. If the other side gets it wrong, then they have to take off a piece of clothing. If the other side gets it right, then the original people have to take off a piece of clothing.

They were playing the guessing game and Brianna chose 3. Michael guessed 3. Brianna took off her shirt.

by BMKJA December 5, 2008

43👍 13👎

fart guessing game

A highly-disgusting (or hugely uproarious, depending on who you talk to, and also depending on whether you're da "performer" or da "audience") round of verbal-and-then-anal "conversation" in da form of a beamingly-playful riddle-type question from Person A, a naive lack-of-ideas response from Person B, and then a loud/voluminous whizzpopper from Person A. Said "dialogue" session is intended to make a big deal about da fact dat Person A had a really great butt-splutter "saved up and ready", so dat said "valuable" colon-burble wouldn't just "go to waste" and not be adequately noticed.

Person A (eagerly, with a big ol' grin): Hey, guess what!!!
Person B (unsuspectingly): What?!
Person B (disgustedly): Yeah, yeah, yeah --- I mightuh known --- just another fart guessing game, and I fell for it! :P

by QuacksO May 17, 2022

The Guess Guest Game

This game is usually played at sleepovers that has mixed genders.
The rules of the game are that one person secretly numbers random people in a circle. Everyone gets blind-folded. That one person calls out two numbers. The two chosen people (with those numbers) are led to a bedroom. They do sexual things to each other, and have to guess who it is after. If they win, they are out for the next round and get a prize. If they loose, the have to do a sexual dare.

Do you want to play 'The Guess Guest Game'?

by CeeCee7 July 20, 2009

1👍 1👎

American Guessing Game

It is when woman will have unprotected sex with different men simultaneously and when she will get pregnant, she will guess the father of her unborn child from the men he had sex with. The man chosen by the woman as her child's father will lose and required to give child support.

My cousin Maria played American Guessing Game with me and our male cousins, her brother lost.

by Baegon April 21, 2022

guess the food game

A game between 2 or more people where there is one "feeder" and "taster", the taster is blindfolded and sitting in front of the feeder blindfolded, who stands in front of the taster not blindfolded and puts different objects into the taster's mouth. Often this is played as a drinking game where for every one the taster guesses wrong they must take a shot, where for which ever item they guess correctly the feeder must take a shot. However another version of this game is sexual, usually ending in the feeder putting their genitals into the tasters mouth. This often seen in porn.

I had so much fun at my Bachelorette party we all played guess the food game...of course there tones of bananas. XD

Dude...I got her to play guess the food game with me last night.

by Daddy GM October 14, 2021