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Small particle of a turd that you just can't get to flush down the toilet during the "Courtesy Flush".

"Who left the trinklet floatin' in the toilet?"

by CrazyBob62 April 26, 2006

24👍 11👎


A silly person that for example collects flashcards. Can also be used as a term of endearment. Or as an insult. Take it as you will. Multifaceted interdisciplinary multipurpose.

Dude you’re acting like a trinklet, oh he’s such a trinklet.

by Chickenskin April 21, 2024


(noun, positive connotation)
a small fraction, piece, or quantity

tyler: hey do you want any of this cake?
dave: yeah, but just a trinklet

by pussywagon52 February 15, 2022